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DROPS & LIFE: Part 2 of 2

Report #160

March 28, 2009


In the previous Part-1 section we've examined the oh so slow and tiny incremental reluctant steps revealing just a little water moisture presence on Mars. The biggest revelation (from the secrecy point of view) was in the form of confirmed water ice but note that it is only locked in the ground just below the surface.

Added to that was frost and even a little snow as well as a lot of repeat visuals of water vapor clouds. There was even a suggestive revelation of soil conditions that might even grow asparagus thrown in for a little boost water presence message. Finally, even after the mission equipment failed, there is a discovery of possible liquid water droplets or globules presence on the underside of the lander in the shade on one of the landing pad struts and that is still currently under debate as I write this.

As I warned viewers to anticipate in my Report #138 back on 4/24/08 before Phoenix ever got to Mars, I suspected that the Phoenix Mission was not real, at least as publicly stated. I suspected it was a "designer" mission to confirm water presence to some limited degree and that the real Phoenix Mission was elsewhere doing something else in secret. I still suspect that but can't prove it and so that amounts just to speculation and opinion on my part.

However, now that you have been exposed in Part-1 to the overall Phoenix Mission as it has been publicly reported, I think for comparison we should now take a look at some sample evidence as follows from the older MGS MOC data associated also with water ice, water vapor clouds, and even bio-life on Mars. Of course this goes a good bit beyond the Phoenix Mission revelations and even its asparagus "possible" biological life theme. If you see any merit in this evidence, keep in mind that scientists like those who are currently in debate over a few water droplets on the lander pad strut minutia have already had their chance at this older data and apparently did not find compelling or significant.

The above tenth report image demonstrates a cloud formation on Mars. It is but one of several in the M08-06569 narrow-angle strip it was drawn from but also one of a great many in the wider regional area as you will see. You've seen the now admitted to water vapor clouds of the Phoenix Mission and now here's one in the older MGS data with more to follow below. It's kind of pretty isn't it. Note that it isn't any more or less than in the Phoenix data but just seen from above rather than from below and in this older data.

However, although the cloud demonstrating water vapor presence is critically important, look at that terrain under the cloud down the right side of this image. Even as partially obscured as it is there, does that look anything like the desolate and barren rock and soil geology you saw extending out from the Phoenix site or as seen in the rover imaging? Even with the clouds obscuring much of it, the above terrain evidence looks an awful lot like densely packed biological forest life (vegetation) of some kind to me. How about to you?

A single cloud or even several in a strip, if you were desperately defensive enough scientist, could be foolishly argued to be an aberration but how about an entire weather front? The above eleventh image from the M08-06570 strip is the wide-angle companion context image for the 10th image M08-06569 narrow-angle strip. Within it is shown the location of the narrow-angle strip in the terrain and even the location of the single cloud presented in this report's 10th image.

While the narrow-angle strip encompasses only several clouds and a 2.37 km or 1.47 mile width according to the official statistics, you can see that the wide-angle image demonstrates a whole cluster of many clouds over a wide regional area. The official statistics tells us that this strip's scene is 125.61 km or 78 miles across laterally. I suspect those measurements are reasonably accurate and so that's obviously a lot of water vapor seen in the Mars atmosphere. At least a lot more than can be explained by the official statistical position that water vapor constitutes only a trace .03% of the Mars atmosphere.

Further, rather than a merged whole front rolling along, many of these clouds (the lightest color ones) appear to be what I refer to as puffer clouds although science identifies them as cumulus type clouds and you should as well. Cumulus clouds typically form when warmer than the surrounding air rises (a thermal) from terrain level and reaches a level of comparatively cool air in the upper atmosphere where the moisture in the rising air condenses into visibility as cloud vapor. On Earth cumulus clouds this thick can produce falling rain or snow depending on the temperatures and other factors down there.

For example, when a small airplane here on Earth passes through an area of these rising thermals, it can be a bumpy ride crossing over rapidly from one rising thermal to another. The cause of the rising warmer air thermal can be due to several factors but it is most often due to differential solar heating at terrain level. Here on Earth a typical example would be open fields versus areas of forest growth. The fields are more sunlight reflective and the forest is darker and more sunlight absorbing. The latter creates increased heat absorption and release over the darker forest area relative to the lighter color terrain. A city can also create these conditions as some building roof angles and colors are more sunlight absorbing than others, particularly the flat level tar based roofs here on Earth creating localized warmer and rising air thermals.

In this location on Mars as represented by the 11th image, I suspect that the terrain partially visible below the clouds in the 10th image is darker color vegetation growth, likely living forest growth of some kind, that is creating the rising air thermals that are in turn causing the cumulous type cumulus clouds that are so sunlight reflective and light color in the above 11th image. That's a lot of water vapor in the atmosphere down there over a broad area. Yet, remember that this is on Mars in the northern hemisphere and water vapor isn't suppose to be more than a trace 0.03%. What do you think?

The above twelfth image demonstrates a scene just below the middle part of the different MGS MOC M07-01731 narrow-angle strip. The light reflective terrain in the left half of the image is slightly higher ground rising to a low but raised ridge in the middle area and then to the right dropping down into a depression partially in shadows. There are low level thin clouds here that might even be classed as fog or mist flowing from the sunlight higher ground over the ridge into the more shady depression. In fact, the air slightly rising over the low ridge may be the primary cause of the water vapor just beginning to form into thin but visible condensate.

However, although one reason that I picked this is because of the water vapor presence, I minimized the water vapor visually in the above 12th image in favor of showing more clarity of the terrain further below. Why? Because all of the natural geological terrain is completely covered over from view by some kind of densely packed biological life forest that is not familiar to the Earth human eye. In other words, you are looking at bio-life of some unknown kind unique to this different world. Certainly and obviously, by the process of elimination, we are not looking at any rock and soil geology down there.

The above thirteenth image is from the same M07-01731 strip as the 12th image but from the strip's upper area. It shows only a small part of a very extensive lower profile ice field, all of it covered with the dark spots you see here. The ice is the most light reflective areas and it is water ice. The spots are a spore driven life form organism that I've previously reported on that takes advantage of and flourishes on these water ice masses.

The plentiful ness of the spot presence, the relatively equal distribution of the spots over these ice masses without moving away from the middle areas and concentrating at the perimeter edges, and the generally lower elevation of the ice areas suggests that this water ice presence is probably entirely from ancient snow fall. In other words, it has not recently been subject to warming melt erosion conditions. Note that this site area is located in the southern hemisphere and just outside the South Polar Region boundary.

This water ice presence was another reason why I chose this particular strip. Why? Because it seems strange to me that scientists can so dutifully following NASA's lead worrying about a little water ice presence around the Phoenix Mission site when great fields of Mars water ice like this are present and even covered with bio-life evidence. Yet visually obvious evidence like this languishes without sufficient scientific attention even after they've received the first basic signal via the Phoenix Mission that's its probably now okay for them to see surface water ice along with water vapor clouds, etc.

Talk about not being able to see the forest for the trees when it comes to Mars water presence! Meanwhile they're determined to hang onto prior manipulation and conditioning (the current consensus) as though it was something real. Worse, these are the people that we in the public defer judgment to when it comes to matters of planetary exploration.

The above fourteenth image is again from the same M07-01731 strip but this time from the bottom area of the image. It doesn't demonstrate water ice or clouds but it does demonstrate both the complete absence of visual rock and soil geology and the extensive presence of densely packed biological life that has completely covered this terrain including all of its variations.

Note that, although this evidence is in the same M07-01731 strip, the bio-life demonstrated here is different appearing than in the 12th image. This is just a sample of sunlight absorbing bio-life at its most prolific on Mars in an area just outside the South Polar Region. Note that this evidence scene is a far cry from the empty desolate sunlight reflective rock and soil geology distances portrayed by the Phoenix lander and rover cameras. This forest growth evidence is aggressive and prolific to put it mildly. This is the living Mars, not the dead one some would like for us to believe in.

The above fifteenth image is of a different M07-02605 narrow-angle strip. It is reduced size to present the whole strip. As you can clearly see, it is full of clouds from one end and side to another. If I had presented this kind of atmospheric water vapor evidence at any time before the Phoenix water vapor cloud data was released and essentially admitted to, scientists would have no doubt insisted that this must be sand storm evidence because this much atmospheric water vapor couldn't possibly exist on Mars.

The above sixteenth image is the companion M07-03606 wide-angle context strip for the above that 15th M07-03605 narrow-angle image. Note that it demonstrates the location of the M07-03605 narrow-angle image strip within it. Now this image appears to have been artificially drawn back to a more distant perspective. This is likely because doing so negatively impacts this particular type of cloud evidence and makes it more difficult to recognize as clouds due to the cloud ripple or banding formation patterns.

Remember that this imaging dates back into the late 1990s and early 2000s when such water vapor cloud revelations and especially on a more massive scale like this were a big no no. Since then and likely under pressure from verifiable evidential reporting like that seen here at this website that keeps accumulating, secrecy appears to have turned a corner inside their heads. That is no doubt reluctantly and in tiny incremental steps admitting to Mars atmospheric water vapor but it is there as evidenced by the designer Phoenix revelations actually pushing water vapor. They may be dragging their feet a whole lot but they are at least facing reality as best they can given their past.

No matter the obfuscation tactic here in this older MGS MOC data, the narrow-angle 15th image cloud evidence along with the Phoenix Mission admissions on water vapor clouds tells us what we need to know. It tells us that the above 16th image evidence is clearly atmospheric water vapor clouds and that these same type of clouds cover a very large area. According to the official statistics, this image's width is 113.09 km or about 70 miles across.

Now do I believe those measurement figures? My answer would have to be no. Why? Well consider the very small size of the official M07-03605 narrow-angle strip outline (the text associated with it is mine) relative to that in the 11th M08-06570 also wide-angle image further up. I suspect this 16th image has been drawn back to a much more distant cropped out view purposefully making the evidence smaller in order to disguise the cloud patterns for what they really are. So I suspect that the actual view width we're seeing here is much greater than indicated by the official stats.

The point is that here again in the 16th image southern hemisphere just as in the 11th image northern hemisphere, we see extensive wide spread atmospheric water vapor clouds that go well beyond just very localized events. In other words, what you are looking at in the 11th and 16th image wide-angle views is a great deal more atmospheric water vapor on Mars than is suppose to be there. Remember that water vapor on Mars is only suppose to be a statistical trace .03%.

This difference between the unquestioned statistical data and the observed visual reality is telling. It has all kinds of implications for true milder Mars near surface temperatures and the potential for life. It is also yet another evidential nail in the coffin of the secrecy and crafted false illusions about this planet.

Speaking of life, the above two seventeenth and eighteenth images are from the same M07-03605 narrow-angle strip with all the clouds in it. The above two images are views partially penetrating through the rather thick clouds. They offer sample views of terrain sections below the clouds. Note that here again no identifiable sunlight reflective rock and soil geology is visible, only densely packed bio-life forests of some kind carpeting everything with their repetitive life patterns. Further, especially in the last 18th image, note that the bio-life looks similar to that for example in my Report #023 posted back in year 2001.

Now all of you, including you scientists looking at this evidence, know that you are not looking at rock and soil geology down there below those clouds in these 17th and 18th images. Those patterns that repeat over and over again down there mixed with meandering lines that also repeat over and over again are carpeting and covering all undulations in the terrain completely hiding the underlying geology from view. The patterns may look a bit strange and unfamiliar to the Earth human eye but we both know that we are not looking at natural rock and soil geology here. What we're looking at is forests of aggressive life covering over the natural geological terrain.

The secrecy under years of relentless pressure is giving up and trying to make an about face and is now trying to lead the way with the designer Phoenix Mission creeping up on revealing and acknowledging Mars atmospheric and surface water presence which then in turn leads to life presence. It may be in tiny incremental and more digestible to scientists baby steps but it is there and the turn can be seen by everyone interested except it seems so many of you scientists. Yet it is your job to pick up on this and run with it. That is what we, advocates and now secrecy alike, are all waiting for. Can't a few of you inch forward just a little bit out from under the protection of the consensus herd? After all, the world isn't flat!

What more do you want? The Phoenix revelations are the handwriting on the wall. Are you waiting for secrecy leadership to come out in the full bright light of day and admit to legal wrong doing and loudly and clearly tell you and the world in unqualified terms that the hard frozen, dry, dead Mars was just an unfortunate string of computational/statistical errors or a dream and it's now okay for your consensus herd to wake up and see surface water and life there? Surely you aren't that naive to think they would cut their own throats like that just to make it safe for your personal reputations?

You can't live in fear and in the protective consensus reputation cocoon forever. Yes things are getting more and more complex and yes this is the biggest thing this planet has faced in its known (to us) long history. When this reality tips the balance in the mainstream consciousness and really gets going there, it will then be too late to get in front and lead. Then the rigid and unyielding will be scattered as chaff before the wind and the rest following will just be the incidental also ran's. Don't let this be you and your legacy of the lack thereof.

If you don't want to become irrelevant in the greatest thing impacting Earth human experience, then step up and forward with us now to seriously engage and explore the evidence and its implications. If not, then you will eventually become history's debris.

DOCUMENTATION This link takes you to the official M08-06569 narrow-angle science data strip from which my above 10th image evidence was drawn. I used the third listed straight .gif strip. Note that the 1st and 2nd strips offer a flipped view at official level and should not be used if your goal is to match my work. This link takes you to the official M08-06570 wide-angle science data strip from which my above 11th image evidence is drawn. I used the 2nd listed angled .gif strip. This link takes you to the official M07-01731 narrow-angle science data strip from which my above 12th, 13th and 14th image evidence are drawn. I used the third listed straight .gif strip. Note that the 1st and 2nd strips offer a flipped view at official level and should not be used if your goal is to match my work. This link takes you to the official M07-03605 narrow-angle science data strip from which my above 15th, 17th and 18th image evidence are drawn. I used the third listed straight .gif strip. Note that the 1st and 2nd strips offer a flipped view at official level and should not be used if your goal is to match my work. This link takes you to the official M07-03606 wide-angle science data strip from which my above 16th image evidence is drawn. I used the 2nd listed angled .gif strip.

, Investigator©


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