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Report #055

Initial Post 10/21/03 - Updated 11/8/03


The evidence in this report is drawn from the official MGS MOC E05-02864 image science data. In my first image above, you are not looking at natural geology of any kind. What you appear to see are massed forms so dense that they completely carpet the local terrain surface geology hiding it from view.

Note to that they have clear distinct different color bands in them giving the impression of a layered look. They sort of look like rolls of multicolored Tums tablets stacked on top of each other and then the stack turned over on its side. One thing is for sure, they don't remotely look like the towers on Mars that they really are. When this evidence in this official orientation view above is zoomed in on, it continues to look like nothing meaningful. That's because this evidence is heavily distorted at official level.

Here's how this particular story unfolds. I first discovered imaging of these forms looking like this in image M03-06971 early back in midyear 2000 shortly after the MGS MOC data was initially released. I held onto the image, primarily because of a water spout discovery of mine in it. Back then, having little experience and partially accepting by default like everyone else the official propaganda as to what is on Mars and not being so well experienced with image tampering techniques, I thought like most in terms of a natural geological explanations for these forms like lava tubes, etc.

However, the horizontal banded layers look is just a little too precise and the rows and patterns are a little too uniform for any kind of natural geological explanation to hold up in the face of any more in depth analysis. So, I just sat on this discovery evidence letting it jell in my head and looking for more similar forms in other strips that might eventually clarify this kind of strange evidence. As this investigative process developed over the last couple of years, a few things began to stand out.

First, this kind of evidence is heavily concentrated in and encompasses a huge area on Mars centering on Longitude 0º West and Latitude 0º North and South with the E05-02864 and M03-06971 evidence sites being just southeast of that center point. In other words, all generally dead center on the side of the planet in the Mars regional charts.

Now don't get me wrong, most of this type of evidence is hidden beneath a great variety of different types of image tampering, both of the many types that just cover and hide as well as the many types that create illusions. The tampering applications are many and varied but consistent examination of a great many images in this general area reveals the same or similar (depending on view angle) type of civilization evidence at the limit of resolution sticking out from under the tampering in many bits and pieces. Most of it is far too heavily occluded by direct tampering applications as well as very tiny because of distance and resolution degradation tampering.

As my experience grew, I soon began to understand that the visual look you see above in my image from the E05-02864 strip and in the first discovered M03-06971 strip was purely a function of view angle that badly distorted the evidence into this laid down on its side horizontal pillowy layered forms look. It also appeared probable that this arbitrary view orientation angle is likely intentional manipulation and yet another form of image tampering.

The problem for them was that this type of evidence in this region covered just too large an area resulting in a lot of images. Likewise, their special interest was there and so the official imaging concentrated in this area also resulting in a great many images. Such a large number of images resulted in severely over taxing the tampering variation arsenal to adequately keep the tampering in each image looking different enough from one to another image strip and therefore not draw attention to itself and yet at the same time carry forward a general illusion theme of no anomalous evidence.

Accordingly, the chance of their software missing an image or two with respect to completely obliterating the evidence is increased resulting in a higher potential for flaws in the tampering process. Anticipating this, I just kept plugging away because I felt that I needed a image that offered a better zoom factor to get a decent look at this evidence if viewers were ever going to be able to understand what they are looking at. I discovered this E05-02864 strip shortly after this series of images was released and it served this purpose. However, although with no expectation of success, I kept delaying reporting on this evidence hoping for an even better strip. Since this has not so far materialized, I've decided to go ahead post this report.

The E05-02864 strip has received mild resolution degradation and serious rotation distortion treatment. However, it has received only some relatively incomplete additional direct obscuring applications and some spotty enlarged pixel blur area tampering. Once the main distortion obscuring effect is defeated, that leaves us a with a less than ideal strip but still one with some powerful real evidence to work with and present.

The above second image is basically the same scene as in the first image and at the same zoom factor but rotated 90º CCW (counter clockwise) and presto the horizontal forms suddenly become less distorted revealing massed distantly seen very tall upright vertical forms. In fact, not just tall upright forms but row upon row of clearly rectangular and linear tall vertical geometric forms clearly demonstrating organization pattern characteristic of civilization evidence.

In other words, suddenly the meaningless heavily distorted evidence in the official view angle is now making sense and strongly suggestive of incredible artificial structures and civilization evidence in the form of a great many rows of very tall towers. Even if you can't sort this out in the densely packed and therefore somewhat confusing distant view evidence above, this will become increasingly clear in the images that follow as we we zoom in closer on this evidence.

Now remember that this is satellite imaging with the camera some 238 miles (384 km) above the planet's surface with the evidence seen at a great distance with degraded resolution. This tends to obscure all but the basic coarse outline detail and merge the evidence into blended forms, especially in the more distant view official 100% resolution that most scientists and researchers see. But, here on the image above at a relatively mild 150% zoom, the basic shapes, patterns, and uniformity are clearly apparent and obviously are inexplicable with respect to any known geological origins or explanations and especially on such a massive scale covering such a wide region.

At 238 miles distance, just don't expect to see large buildings as though seen from only a short distance away. Just keep remembering that these are very distant satellite views and not aerial views of cities shot from airplanes as we are used to seeing here on Earth.

Note that these tall geometric structures are in well defined but slightly meandering rows with generous spaces between the rows. What appeared to be multi-color horizontal banded forms in the first image representing the official view orientation, now appears to be vertical tower structures. The darker shapes wider at the base and becoming slender at the top are the towers and the very light color is the terrain that they sit in forming the background against which the towers are seen. This terrain is so uniformly very light reflective as seen in the full sunlight that it could be water reflecting the sunlight but I have no way of confirming this.

If you are new to viewing the growing Mars anomaly evidence record here, then you should be aware that this kind of tall geometric structure sprawling civilization evidence in slightly meandering but highly uniform rows and geometric shapes often following land contours appears to be a norm for some Mars civilization evidence. Although with a more distant view, some decent representative samples of similar (not exactly the same) evidence can be seen in my previous reports as follows. Take a look and compare the similarities when you've finished with this report.

Report #039 – Massed Buildings in Precise Cross-Row Patterns

Report #048 – City in the Great Rift System

Report #051 – Mars Super Metropolis

Report #053 –

Also, please understand that what you see here in this report is only a tiny representative sample spot in a wide region of this evidence that extends far beyond the confines of this particular image strip. I have chosen this particular spot in this one strip as a representative sample and centered on it simply because of the oval shaped citadel looking complex you see generally in the center of each image making it unique appearing within this great mass of long parallel lines or rows of structures. My subsequent images here will all continue to use this complex as the center focal point.

As you can see in my above closer 200% view third image, we clearly aren't in Kansas any more! We're looking at another very real world with its own independent development and way of doing things. One thing you can say about this world, they do things on a sometimes colossal and often times simply huge scale.

Note that there is a natural tendency to see the above rows with light color level tops that tend to merge together. However, this is a natural illusion as the eye tries to sort this massed evidence out. Look more carefully as the towers themselves are the blurred darker colored objects mostly with broader bases tapering to slender tops and the very light color is actually highly reflective ground level terrain base background. What appeared to be level light color tops at more distant resolutions is actually created by each structure's darker shadowed base area on any one row tending to blend together with the one next to it forming a dark demarcation line against the uniformly light color terrain background.

I want to remind you at this point that Mars may be physically smaller than Earth but remember that our planet is roughly 70% covered with water meaning that only 30% or less is potentially useable land mass and a lot of that is not practically very useable either. Mars has a great deal more useable land mass than Earth and, if it is overrun with high density populations, then statistically Mars populations would be many times more than that here on Earth.

I might also add that satellite imaging of Mars is, in my opinion, not just tampered with, it is extremely heavily tampered with to the point that often very little true Mars surface geology is visible at all. A lot of that is the process of creating a false broad area background so that the true specific evidence covering tampering direct application patches will not stand out against it so much as would be the case if they appeared in views with natural geology as the back drop. However, even considering that, there is still massive wide area tampering not adequately explained by this.

Remember, tampering is evidence to and, if we assume that most of the rest of this tampering not explained by background tampering is hiding civilization evidence, then the degree of tampering is a direct measure of the degree of civilization evidence hidden from view. The point I'm stumbling around trying to make here is that the very high degree of tampering evidence also tends to imply support for and reinforce the concept of massive Mars populations to.

Disturbingly, if this particular small sample area I've imaged here is the massive super high density civilization evidence it appears to be and spread over a huge area of the planet around the center Longitude and Latitude as it appears to be, then the picture that is beginning to unfold on Mars is that of a world, not just occupied by some intelligent civilized life, but by incredibly immense populations. In fact, possibly a world with very much out of control populations, at least from our ecological point of view.

If so, this alone could be the reason this world no longer has great surface waters in the form of seas and oceans and even a thin atmosphere. That water may have been redistributed into great population centers and used up. Sadly, we may be looking at very old populations that have long since overtaxed Mars' planetary resources to a severe extent. If so, then it is time to start considering that the explanation for Mars thinner atmosphere may have no geological or space origins explanation at all but may simply have its roots firmly planted in some "intelligent" specie questionable decision making as massive populations breath in oxygen and pump out out CO2 contaminating the atmosphere.

Likewise, if it does have such high density populations and if they have severely depleted Mars' natural resources, then logically the only thing that would enable such huge populations to continue to survive in such a problematic environment would be the use of compensating high technology. In fact, if you survive the initial onset of such problems, continued survival in such a problematic environment would literally drive such high technology helping ensure its development.

The point I'm trying to make here is that one thing follows another logically. So, if very high density populations and severely depleted resources are the Mars norm and such huge populations continue to survive, then don't entertain any thoughts of expecting to encounter any kind of technologically backward society when it comes time for general contact issues between our worlds. Alternately, don't expect a society of great advanced wisdom either except that gained the knotheaded hard and rough way. Sound familiar? Is there already a message here that we want to be sure to get and not miss?

Meanwhile, the fourth image above at 270% zoom offers the closest and most telling view of some of this evidence before blur, grain and pixelization begins to present itself too much. Look very closely here. At this closer view factor, note that many of the darker color towers now appear to be in groups as well as in slightly meandering long lines or rows.

In the rows of vertical structures running left and right across the image, the darker vertical objects are the towers and the lighter area is the terrain they sit in forming apparently relatively empty spaces between the groups and rows of towers. Sometimes the eye wants to get confused in so much of a mass of evidence and it often jockeys back and forth reversing this perception back and forth between darker and lighter colors. The is especially true in the second and third more distant view images. This is perfectly natural as the eye tries to sort this very distant blurred thickly massed unfamiliar looking evidence out.

However, the true telling evidence is here in this fourth image at the maximum zoom where some individual structures and groups of structures can be better differentiated from others as well as from the terrain they sit in. Please also note that, although much of this evidence is closely packed and a bit confusing because of that as well as being blurred, careful examination will reveal that those darker colored towers that can be differentiated from each other are wider at the base and more slender at the top just as we would expect such very tall structures to be constructed here on Earth.

This clearly demonstrates that we are looking at this evidence in the correct orientation with no rotation distortion compared to the exaggerated laid over on its side heavy distortion in the official view represented by my first image here. I can't waste image space on it here but, if you zoom in on the official orientation view, the distortion just becomes worse and the whole of this evidence scene just becomes more distorted rather than beginning to resolve into anything more meaningful. This to clearly demonstrates that the official view is the distorted view version.

Also, in the past when viewing tiny geometric structure evidence at significant zoom factors, a very few have tried to pass evidence like this off as too much zoom factor creating too much pixelation forcing the visual evidence into geometric forms conforming to the squared base pixel grid bed of the imaging. This has never been true as I have explained before and here please compare my last three images here against each other. Note that pixelization is clearly not a factor influencing this evidence or affecting the vertically tall linear rectangular geometric shapes involved here as the imaging moves from a lower zoom factor to higher.

Anyone can simply prove this for themselves in a graphics program by running the zoom factor up beyond what I've provided here until real pixelation begins to assert itself in the image. When this is done, the true pixelation difference will be very obvious. The test is simple and effective.

With absolutely no viable explanation for the existence of this type of very tall vertical structure evidence in such great numbers available in natural geology, this is clearly powerful evidence of artificiality and on a massive scale both in terms of vertical structure height, density, and horizontal spread across a region. Obviously, this is strong hard factual evidence of the presence of someone on Mars and that we are not alone even in our relatively remotely located Solar System within this Galaxy.

I might add that evidence like this also informs us of a telling story about the true resolution and scale in these images. I can't waste web imaging space here on this but you can just imagine how tiny this evidence is in the officially released science data and this is one of the main reasons that it is not detected, not to mention the distortion created by rotating the view 90º at official level.

Most of those examining the data, including the scientists, are basically trusting that the official scale data is accurate and buzz along through the visual data looking for something unusual or special. But, they're conducting their examination based on trusting the official resolutions and orientations and expecting to see much larger objects. Since they don't see the expected larger objects, then there is of course no anomalous evidence present from their point of view.

It's a self fulfilling expectation and perception and a psychology that is thoroughly capitalized on by those manipulating this data to that very end. You see what you expect to see and don't see what you don't expect to see. Then, even when confronted with the kind of compelling hard evidence you see here telling a completely different story, egos and a sense of self preservation prevents them from being able to back away from positions that have become untenable because they're actually based on belief systems and not on the hard evidence that is suppose to be the building blocks of objective science.

A famous brilliant intellectual and scientist often said that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence! However, it was nothing more than a saying designed to avoid and dismiss because, when confronted with the extraordinary evidence, he would never actually examine it at all that I could tell must less examine it thoroughly and from an objective perspective. Yet, that never prevented him from passing judgment on the matter and making public influential debunking dismissal comments about it misusing his great reputation and the trust that the public had in his judgment. That isn't science at all nor anything close to it, rather it is merely the reactive defense of favored belief systems to which one has arbitrarily attached a science label as well as one's own personal ego and identity.

The visual evidence that you see here in this report and others here at this site is that EXTRAORDINARY HARD evidence, reproducible by any objective rigorous scientific investigation and, even better, it is taken directly from their own official science data. It is the type of hard evidence that is just as strong and powerful as can be had relative to what is produced by official satellite imaging in the quality released to the public and the scientific and academic communities.

If the subject matter was anything different, less controversial and less disturbing or if it was presented by NASA or JPL, it would instantly be headline news around the world. As it is, it is a reality difficult for most to grasp because it runs directly afoul of cultivated deeply entrenched belief systems and therefore just ignored by our leadership, the science and academic communities, and the media and thereby not dealt with at all. They are confident that you in the public will continue to buy into the pretense and illusion. It is in this way that self delusion, ignorance, pretense, the avoidance of reality, and the furtherance of mediocrity are perpetuated.

Yet, one can only imagine the tremendous odds against such a technologically advanced civilization sitting on a world within such easy reach of Earth via their technology not having anything to do with this planet and what is happening on it. Further, while one race or specie might develop such a mindset (not impossible but not very likely either), my evidence that I've shown and more that I've been holding back implies that multiple species (not races) exist on Mars and not always in agreement or harmony.

Therefore, the issue really becomes, one can only imagine the odds against such multiple and significantly different technologically advanced civilizations sitting on a world within such easy reach of our planet via their technology not having anything to do with this planet and what is happening here on it. The implications are clear and the fact that all this is ignored is very disturbing. Surely I don't have to spell them out here.

Just in case you may still be inclined to be a little too trusting as to the credibility of those controlling this Mars information, I've included the above fifth image in this report. This is a simple satellite image of the downtown portion of a major Earth city (not something on Mars now) but it does show our own Earth version of metropolitan "Towers" in the Sun.

Note how densely packed and clustered the tallest buildings are in this Earth image. This pattern is partially dictated by ground transport access development over long periods of time and also by economics. Compare this with how the Mars darker color tall towers in my fourth image further above tends to be in meandering long but organized parallel lines or rows as well as in groups within lines with wide light color highly reflective empty (tower free) spaces separating the lines or rows. In my growing Mars observation experience, this sort of elegant parallel rows with more open interspaces designed in is typical of a lot of Mars metropolitan civilization evidence and different in that way from the way such tower development evolves here on Earth.

However, what I really want you to note in comparison with the Mars imaging here is that this particular image was taken a few years ago by satellite over 400 miles up from the target and focussing through the Earth's thick atmospheric envelope. That's almost twice as far off as the Mars satellite imaging averaging 230 miles up and it doesn't have to deal with as thick an atmospheric envelope distortion factor. Note how clear the many Earth "Towers" are all the way down scale to clusters of large mature trees that can be easily seen down between buildings, including even individual trees at the bottom center of the image. Note how close the resolution allows us to zoom in on this evidence while still preserving great detail before image degradation begins to be an issue.

Obviously, anyone expert in Earth satellite imaging not afraid to speak out would be quick to confirm that this is basically the kind of detail we should be expecting from Mars satellite imaging averaging only 230 miles distance from ground targets. Note to that I purposefully chose a Earth satellite image that is not a maximum available resolution image to work up the above fifth image from or it could have been even better. There might be some slight compromises in quality with the mid to late 1990s Mars imaging technology but that would logically be offset by the average 170 miles much closer distance to the target.

The simple fact is that no such mid 1990s imaging technology compromise could even remotely begin to explain the very poor resolution for example in my fourth image here of Martian towers seen at maximum available zoom and clarity and yet at the same time representing such incredibly poor quality of the Mars official science data imaging. So where is the real high resolution imaging? Certainly it has not been released to the public. Obviously the official position no doubt would be that such higher resolution Mars imaging doesn't exist! Can you really swallow that?

NASA and especially JPL are thoroughly intertwined with military intelligence and remember that it is a Navy intelligence Admiral that chairs (a long time secrete) the JPL oversight committee controlling Mars exploration. It is well known that military intelligence has satellite imaging technology with sufficient resolution to clearly identify objects as small as aircraft, vehicles, license plates, and even people. We know this because their own people have repeatedly admitted as much publicly for many years and the satellite imaging shown on TV arising out of the war in Iraq very clearly demonstrates it.

Now considering the amount of time, effort and the many millions of dollars of cost that goes into just one of these Mars probe camera mapping missions like the MGS MOC of the late 1990s and early 2000s or those missions that came after it and considering how thoroughly involved military intelligence is in the development of the Mars missions and their data, does it make any sense to you that camera systems would be sent to Mars that so often do not even live up to the known imaging technology standards of the 1960s, 1970s, or 1980s must less military intelligence capabilities? Yet, that is precisely what we are asked to accept, very distant Mars imaging with very little detail and tons of image tampering that obviously doesn't belong in the scenes shown.

I'll eventually get to the presentation of it here at this website but during the meantime you should be aware that the Clementine mapping mission of the Moon predating the MGS MOC mission to Mars is full of very pervasive tampering applications of smudge, smoke, fog, blur, and reduced resolution so that little of the Moon's natural geological detail is visible at all. It is this way in spite of the fact that the Moon has little gravity well to consider and that means that the satellite can circle the globe far closer to ground level than on Mars or the Earth. You or I orbiting the Moon taking pictures with a decent commercial hand camera could take wonderful highly detailed shots of the Moon's surface. Obviously, the Clementine military intelligence satellite cameras should be producing the most spectacularly clear razor sharp images of all. Did I mention that Clementine was essentially a Navy military intelligence project?

I have no explanation as to why scientists and academics can't see any of this or, if they do, how can they possibly accept it? Is it because of intimidation and fear? If so, then we need people with more backbone and we also need space exploration institutions less inclined to utilize their great power to control others via fear and intimidation. On the other hand, if it is because we're graduating generations of nothing but meek followers who follow expediency? If so, then we are in very serious trouble and need to encourage an infusion of independent thinkers in this scenario that are not afraid to speak out and act. That is, if they can be found.

As the above fifth Earth image demonstrates, the incredibly poor quality of the Moon and Mars imaging and its pervasive image tampering obviously can not be passed off as equipment or processing limitations. Obviously, this is obfuscation of truth, logically by intent and design, and clearly represents an ongoing attempt to hide evidence of something on these worlds revealing a secrecy agenda important enough to last for decades. Just as obviously, natural geology is conversely not important enough to warrant so much secrecy commitment hiding it.

So, where is the real close resolution imaging without the tampering that must logically and obviously exist? My advise is that you just might want to reevaluate and take a little more care in where you place your trust.

Even with all this secrecy and slight of hand business, we still have some incredible discoveries as presented here in this growing evidence record at this website. In fact, if you ever come to the conclusion that some of the evidence presented here has merit enough at least that it needs to be thoroughly investigated objectively and openly and at the highest levels along with the demand that the real closer resolution imaging without the tampering be released to the public that paid for it and that is lawfully due them, then you're going to have to become involved to help make this happen. We cannot do this alone, no one will listen to our lone voice. We can only present the evidence to any who elect to voluntarily examine it and hope that it will stimulate public action.

The fact is that the traditional leadership and media are just not going to voluntarily become involved or attempt to deal with this or willingly expose this to a wider public awareness. The only way that will happen is if you in the public voluntarily become involved in a grass roots movement and apply pressure on them to do so.

The first place to start is with the media, both local and national. Demand that they stop ignoring and stonewalling this evidence and start giving it exposure and thereby allow their viewers to make their own judgments as to its merit. Also demand that leaders start objectively investigating this evidence and its merit. Soon, the "Get Involved" button at the top of each page at this website will present information to facilitate this and will be a place to start. Keep a look out for it.

As more of the media gradually succumb to this pressure and give the evidence some exposure, more in the public will become aware of this evidence's existence. More will then likely come on board applying pressure in a domino effect that will eventually force the congressional leadership to get involved and put this on their agenda. That will in turn will force NASA and JPL and the scientific communities into dealing with this more out in the open.

It has happened before. It is how I became involved to begin with independently in a grass roots effort with others to effect the initial lawful release of the MGS MOC imaging science data that was initially being held back. It can happen here as well.


(1) Many tower structures are extraordinary hard evidence of artificiality & civilization.

(2) This type of thick wide area civilization evidence says very high population density.

(3) The nature of the tower construction indicates very high technology levels.

(4) Such high population density surviving suggests very high technology levels.

(5) Such high population density suggests populations possibly out of control.

(6) Such high population density suggests severely overtaxed natural resources.

(7) Such high population density suggests questionable decision making.


The easiest way to verify the visual evidence here behind me is to access the official science data at the MSSS website link below. Remember that the evidence is very distant and tiny in the official strip as well as distorted by rotation, so graphics software will be needed to zoom in and rotated 90º CCW to get a the kind of undistorted closer look at the evidence that I've provided here. This link accesses the E05-02864 official science data strip from which the visual evidence presented here was drawn. The evidence spot I imaged is about a third of the way down the strip from the top but remember that the evidence is horizontally orientated and distorted at official level meaning that it will have to be rotated 90º CCW to eliminate the distortion and duplicate my imaging here. This link accesses the M03-06974 official science data strip. I've included the link to this here because I did mention it in the first few paragraphs of this report as the first of this type of evidence that I discovered back in the year 2000. The evidence is the same type but not quite as clear as in the E05-02864 strip and is located in the same general area.

, Investigator


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