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Report 197

January 9, 2011


The above 1st and 2nd images are locator images that should assist you a bit in locating and verifying this evidence site behind me in Google Earth. A point of this reporting is to provide yet more verifiable evidence that the great bulk of Antarctica imaging is very purposefully manipulated and obfuscated and it is not only to hide some kind of truth from the public but also to misdirect public attention down comfortable but false paths. You should be concerned about this because the massive extensiveness of the obfuscation involving an entire continent of millions of square miles is a direct measure of the magnitude of this deception and how someone controlling this has so little regard for you and I and our intelligence.

Remember this! Countries, militaries, industries, and individuals that own and control their own satellites that are in operation over Antarctica, unless they are incredibly stupid or in deep denial out of ignorance have thoroughly examined these otherwise hidden from us environs, are aware of what ever is there, and there is no hiding that knowledge from any of them. The only parties that this information has been successfully hidden from is the public via obfuscation of media that is primarily accessible by the public. You should be concerned about that simply because it is slippery business of the worst kind and just plain wrong.

If our own people are doing this kind of massive secrecy and its indicative poor regard and treatment geared only to you and I in the public, then it obviously suggests that what ever is being kept from us and likely most of our governments and officials is equally massive and it is right here on Earth, not just far out in space. Remember this, such an expenditure of time, effort, and money would not be spent unless someone anticipated the public being a source of trouble if they knew about it.

Too fantastic to be believed you say. Our own people would not do this you say? Perhaps you should hang on to that level of blind trust as long as you can. As for me, I suspect it's simply a combination of fear of our billions interfering and personal greed for technology knowledge and the advantages it brings those who possess it. I suspect such a massive level of obfuscation is to keep the world public dumbed down in ignorance and misdirected into shallow behavior so that we will not become aware, upset, and start trying to interfere with the personal plans and goals of others who likely care little for our public welfare beyond the need to preserve us primarily to serve their ability to parasite off of us.

What needs to be understood is that this is not just happening with respect to some distant worlds but right here on Earth in our own environment. That possibility being hidden from us is the biggest offense of all!

Maybe this massive level of secrecy and keeping the public in ignorance is normal standard operating procedure in some areas of this world but it is not suppose to be the case here in the USA even though it may be even more severe in its acceptance and impact here. It is not what the USA founding fathers envisioned for this country and its people, it is against the intent of the law of this land in the form of our Constitution, and it is just plain morally wrong. Also, it is what former President Eisenhower clearly felt compelled to at least publicly warned us about with respect to the collusion of the military/industrial complex as he was leaving the Presidency and even though he was a military man of the highest order.

What you're going to see here in this report is just a tiny sample of what is wrong but it is still very indicative of how low we in the public have sunk through long term generations of conditioning to bow to the will of a few only interested in self and their own agendas. If this sounds pathetic to some, that's because quite frankly it is. Yes our trust in others has been betrayed but we are also complicit because we have betrayed ourselves via our willingness to go along with this state of affairs without sufficient questioning resulting in our failing to cast off the binding chains of ignorance.

Now I realize that the foregoing is a mighty big build up for what some will regard as a little image tampering evidence and that may mean building up greater expectations than the visual evidence for some can be perceived to live up to. If so, I'm sorry for that but there is the need to be prodded to think deeper and that's what I'm doing. This evidence does have great importance in at least its potential implications. You will of course have to decide any degree of merit of this conclusion for yourself.

I should also add that as I was working on this report on this evidence and nearing completion, I received email contact from Marc Daubert pointing some of this very same evidence to me. Well done Marc and I'm more than happy to share credit with you.

The above 3rd image shows through aircraft oblique angle publicity photos just what someone wants us see. What they want us to see is that this is just an technologically updated South African formally Norway Antarctic research station known as Sanae IV. Innocent enough looking in the publicity shots isn't it. Note the three red arrows pointing to #1 a HF Radar antenna array, #2 the main station buildings, and #3 what is identified officially as diesel fuel bunkers. Now below in the 4th and 5th images you will see some publicity photos of parts of Sanae IV station. Note that they show closer views but actually carefully still only limited views of the evidence in question at this site.

The above 4th image is an oblique angle aerial photo of the Sanae IV station elevated main building structures as pointed out by the red arrow on the right. The clear open elevated platform on the left end of the buildings chain is suppose to be a helicopter pad. In the background on the left pointed out by another red arrow is a line of poles with cross members at the top that is officially labeled as forming an HF Radar antenna array. As for the geology of the place, look closely at the dark parts of the cliff face free of snow and you will see that it consists of many vertical oriented rock formations almost tubular in shape.

The above 5th image is again another publicity photo. It gives us a much closer look at the main station buildings of modular design elevated up on metal stilts with wide metal tie down straps to keep these structures from eventually being buried under seasonal snow fall and/or being blown away by strong polar winds that might be consistent with an elevated bluff like this in a cold polar environment. Note that in this image the top and bottom corner edges of the main station buildings are of red material with the metal supports and straps dividing the material into chains of equal sections.

Now below are different views of some of the same Sanae IV station evidence in Google Earth satellite imaging. Of course the Google imaging has the innate ability to zoom in on evidence and that's not good from the secrecy point of view, so any obfuscation tactics must be different to contend with this. Let's see if or how this was accomplished.

The above 6th image depicts a portion of the HF Radar antenna array system closer in Google Earth. If this evidence looks strange here, it's because most of it appears to be actually covered over by image tampering to prevent revealing details by very careful object specific applications of dark smudge treatments that have altered its looks. In other words, it's okay for the you and I in the public to see this evidence at a distance in aerial photos but not closer where better details can be discerned. Why is this obfuscation of a few pole details present at all must less directed at just you and I in the public?

Yes, one might accept that this kind of secrecy covering high tech equipment from the view of competitors or enemies eyes might be necessary. However, remember that this kind of obfuscation here works only on the public using compromised public media like Google Earth and not on competitors or enemy specialists that have their own far clearer satellite technology or that of others available to them. They can theoretically see this evidence far far better than we can here in these poor Google images. Why then is it so important to obscure this evidence from you and I in the public?

Does any reason for primarily public obfuscation give you thoughtful pause making you think and question? What ever is being hidden over millions of square miles on an entire continent as exampled by this kind of obfuscation evidence here is being hidden primarily from the public, not from competitors or enemies. That means hidden from you and I. What threat could the public be that would necessitate such careful object specific obfuscation?

In the above 7th image, we see the location of the Sanae IV station main buildings in Google, you know the ones on elevated metal stilts. It is assumed that the equally spaced red lights are likely heat sources within and behind the red top and bottom corner edge material of the buildings seen in the closer view of image #5. But, if you will look closer and more carefully above, you'll see that the bulk of the buildings are now thoroughly hidden behind carefully applied obfuscating blot out dark smudge treatments specific to just these structures.

Why? What could be so important to secrecy that what is suppose to be innocuous modular research station structures needs to be hidden from the view primarily of the public? Again, remember that this obfuscation tactical works primarily against the public in public media and not against competitors or enemies that have access to their own satellite images without any obfuscation.

The above 8th image is what is suppose to be ordinary diesel fuel storage bunkers as officially labeled. Yet note the same kind of careful object specific dark smudge image tampering completely hiding what this kind of evidence is officially suppose to be according to distant views and official labeling. Why? Do you think they would be going to this kind of careful effort and expense for nothing just for a lark or joke?

Also, do tough South Africans immediately come to your mind when it comes to considering what countries would not only be maintaining a research station presence in Antarctica, the coldest place on Earth, but also a very high tech little known one hard to track down? Or, does one suspect that first Norway and then the South Africans are cooperating with some larger power like the USA so that our contingents there can operate in privacy away from the public under the guise of a foreign flag and not be subject to public disclosure and oversight?

If so, to what purpose? Does this demonstrate a perceived need for isolation only to develop advanced technology or conduct experiments that might meet with public disapproval and opposition? Or, does this demonstrate a need to monitor someone else not us there in the Antarctic in private without government or public oversight or interference hoping to meanwhile raid advanced technology in bits and pieces for private agenda use along and along?

Remember, almost the whole of the Antarctica continent is obfuscated from public view and even tiny bits of it that are not are still obfuscated by less easy to detect object specific image tampering such as that above in this report. That's way too much effort and expense just to be doing it for a lark. Obviously the many millions spent on this clearly demonstrates that someone is very serious about this secrecy and therefore we should be as well, especially since we in the public are almost certainly paying for all of this.

The above 9th image is of a strip of terrain at the Sanae IV station located just off the diesel fuel bunkers partly visible as the large dark spot at the bottom edge of this image stretching up to a point near the Sanae IV main buildings. It has a lot of smudge image tampering partially obscuring it but note the round large disc imprints in this terrain. Since there is a hard metal base elevated helicopter pad available for use at the end of the main building structures as officially labeled, what do you think may have caused these imprints?

Could it be heavy lift freight supply helicopters landing near the fuel bunkers to resupply them over time as well as at other times near the main buildings for resupply of bundled heavy objects carried on slings suspended under the choppers that can't use the hard metal pad? On the other hand, could it be advanced technology disc shaped craft that someone is operating here and doesn't want others spying on in this remote location? Take you pick.

The above 10th image is one taken very nearby Norway's Troll Research Station. When Sanae IV was turned over to the South Africans, Norway concentrated more on Troll Station and it is only about 103 miles or 165 km east from Sanae IV station. The distance between the two stations is relatively trivial compared to the 5.4 million square miles that the entire continent occupies. Both stations are by the way within the sector of the continent claimed by Norway.

When brown areas on the ground are seen within large white color fields of snow and ice, these usually represent rocky outcrops, hills, or mountains also known as nunataks in the Antarctic. Such brown areas more or less free of snow and ice are almost always irregular shaped areas. However, the regular clump like formations over such a wide area in the above 11th image suggests that something else is going on here near Troll station

What I want to point out here is that the very regular brown areas on the right in the image look very much like groupings or clumps of large plant life. Plant life large enough to get tall suggests woody growth. However, we are for the most part led to believe that it is just too freezing cold in this area seasonally to allow for large woody growth. Why? Because the ice would form in the woody more moist areas and the ice crystals would shatter the growth from the inside out. On the other hand, remember those unfrozen fresh water lakes I introduced to you in my Report #195 on Bunger Hills and their implications.

Yet note the darker spike like shadows pointed out by the red arrows that appear to be thrown from the rim of the elevated brown color clump areas down into the low ground blue color open area. This evidence suggests taller tree shadows. Even so, when a search is made for publicity photos of the outer terrain around Troll Station, it is always bitter wind swept cold snow and ice with some small rocks but never the large brown clump systems you see above. Why? After all the regularity of this evidence would clearly provoke curiosity and imaging. Obviously something is quite wrong with these very different visual depictions.

The above 11th image that I call "hole in the tampering" or "the egg that shouldn't be" returns us full circle on the obfuscation presence evidence. First, in this and the two previous reports 195 and 196, we started exploring the realization that smudge image tampering is universal to the entire Antarctica continent rather just certain parts of it. Second, even when there appear to be small minor holes or strips with less image tampering, a closer look usually reveals that there is still very careful object specific image tampering hiding truth and creating illusionary misdirection's intentionally leading away from truth.

Then there is the above 11th image example demonstrating a hole through the normally always present thick layers of blur and smudge image tampering revealing the sharp contrast of the very rugged terrain below that is so typical of the type of universal obfuscation all over the continent. Frankly, I'm warning you that you need to be concerned about this and what it may be hiding.

The massive amount of image tampering present in this publicly available material covering millions of square miles of a whole Antarctic continent right here on Earth is a direct measure of what someone feels is the massive amount that needs to be hidden from you and I in the public. Someone did not do this for a lark and the many millions spent on this clearly attest to their seriousness in doing it. Evidence that wide spread and massive just cannot be explained for example by some rumored German military presence begun at some point since the turn of the last century. There just isn't enough time for it and there is simply no reason for the expenditure of such a mega effort to hide simply rock, soil, and water geology.

On the other hand, what we might describe as alien presence existing over hundreds or thousands of years would explain the extensiveness of the evidence as well as the extensiveness of a fear reaction and the obfuscation to hide it. It is this kind of logic that I am suspecting and following. Think of it like this. Where there is smoke and a lot of it, there is usually fire and a lot of it. The extensiveness of the image tampering is like the smoke and what else but advanced intelligence presence that cannot be defeated or suppressed in secret would be important enough for Earth humans to try to pretend to deal with in this wrong headed way?

In other words, while we are perhaps being misdirected to endlessly worry about what is in distant space and on distant worlds, are real advanced peoples not us living right here on Earth in Antarctica with us and observing our behavior? If so, what must they think of us?

In my opinion, a technologically advanced people would likely also govern themselves by encouraging intellect, openness to truth and fairness as well as public learning, advancement, and involvement in governance while trying their best to avoid too much reliance on the leadership of a few that usually always eventually corrupts that leadership. If such a people are present right here on Earth that are not us, I repeat, what must they think of us?

Through our public complicity via avoidance of the difficult and the disturbing, we have encouraged and allowed by our abstinence the very concentrations of power to build that President Eisenhower warned us of that are so corrupting and consequently the essential enslavement of a whole world by a relative few to the point that our value has been reduced to just what we can provide to others concentrating on their selves. A truly advanced culture may find this Earth public condition just as appalling as dealing with those leaders corrupted by power.

For example, black projects and their supporters likely conducting the secrecy and hiding behind blocking curtains of the secrecy can successfully deny access to black project information even to Presidents that are suppose to be the most powerful people in the world and they can do it with impunity. What does that say about who has the power and who does not?

I would not be harping on this subject if I did not suspect that what ever is being hidden from us in Antarctica is even more important and immediate to us than what ever is being hidden from us on the Moon, Mars, and elsewhere out in space. Also, remember that although it might be difficult for the public to get truthful information from distant places like the Moon and Mars not tainted by black project manipulation, such information can be more obtainable and quicker from older technology fly over camera survey work over Antarctica circumventing the black project control and without the investment in fabulous scientific expertise.

All it takes is for the you in the public to get fed up enough with the poor parasitic treatment to get this started. Since the satellite imaging of the continent is so densely and universally obfuscated as demonstrated by Google Earth, that confirms that there is something there to be visually seen. The big question is what is it as confirmed by visual evidence imaging of our own.

If it is someone not us and highly advanced occupying an entire Earth continent since ancient times as I suspect is possible and they are not outright hostile to friendly attempts at contact by we in Earth's public, then to hell with the black opts types. We'll make an end run around them in force and forge a new way adjusting to the situation as we go. That is if we have the courage for it.

If we can't unlock from our conditioning for this and get our heads out of the ground through our own initiative, then appalling does indeed describe us as we are no better than those that control us and myopically fixed on self. Perhaps some of us can at least demonstrate to anyone watching that we at least have enough merit as individuals for consideration.

Of course, like the great intellect Stephen Hawking who prefers that we avoid alien contact for the time being, you may disagree. You may even prefer not to grow and might be satisfied just fine with historical low treatment and servitude to the will and personal purposes of others. As for me, I prefer to think for myself and try to benefit myself as well as others if I can. A balance on this can be achieved.

The bottom line is what is being hidden from us in a whole continent like Antarctica? For me, the bulk of a whole continent being so thoroughly obfuscated with a doubt at our financial expense is just absolutely not acceptable if some of our own people are doing it. It is holding us all back and consigning us to someone else's dung heap. No one is going to break the servitude chains for us including any of those potentially represented by the evidence here. This is something that we must do for ourselves to prove that we deserve something more.

, Investigator


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