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DECEMBER 21, 2012

Commentary #056

December 12, 2012




Some have asked me to comment on the often promoted prediction that the Earth or at least the civilizations on it will come into bad disasters in just a few days on December 21, 2012 mostly as described per the Mayan Long Count Calendar. I'm no expert or guru on this but here goes with some of my personal thoughts.

While it may be true that the Mayan Long Count Calendar we refer to here ends on December 21, 2012 and a new Long Count would normally start on that date, it appears that this calendar may not have been continued by the Maya after that date. However, the Maya did not predict great disasters to befall the Earth starting on or after that date. That is a misinterpretation perhaps intentional or otherwise, that was subsequently inserted in by others. It appears in many ways it was to support their own personal conclusions regarding the issue of why the Long Count Calendar just stopped on that date and wasn't renewed.

Yes the Mayan Long Count Calendar simply ends at that time, as far as we know, but our knowledge of the Maya civilization or the Long Count Calendar factor within it is by no means complete. What must be understood is that the so called MesoAmerican Long Count Calendar was adopted by the Maya from their region predecessors and improved upon. It covered a period of 5,125 years beginning 8/11/3114 BC. That's a big gulp of time and as such is a massive undertaking that would have chewed up a lot of time and effort.

There is still some debate on this but It appears that the Maya culture started somewhere around 2,600–1800 BC. Their empire occupied most of the Yucatan Peninsula in Central America and extending west toward the Central America Pacific as well as south and also north into Central Mexico. At their height their empire included millions of people most often concentrated in cities and city states. However, decline started at the southern end of the empire while the northern centers continued to persist and did not suddenly disappear as did some other native South and Central American civilizations. Many Maya survive to this day.

Also, the Maya people were always hostile to and fought the Spanish presence and their political power never was concentrated in a single ruler or place. Consequently it took the Spanish a long time all the way into the early 1600's to subdue their territories one by one using mostly native enemy auxiliaries because all successfully expanding large cultures like the Maya make a lot of enemies among nearby dominated competing cultures. Further, Maya lands were not so rich in gold and silver loot relative to others causing the Spanish conquistadors to concentrate attention in other lands.

Yes the Maya excelled at cities, art, written language, calendars, astronomy, architecture, ideas, etc. but they also sacrificed people and were victims of their own successes and struggling to survive their growing pains when the Spanish arrived. That and over population of their region's resources likely helped tip them over into a downward spiral. Because they had a organized written language and often used it on sheets of gold to preserve it, the Spanish Church and government confiscated and intentionally destroyed most of it. So most of what we know about them comes from only three books smuggled out that survived representing hundreds of years of the Maya culture.

It is also just possible that the introduction of would be European conquerors and the soup of contagious deadly diseases they and their men brought with them to the New World that the native Americans had no resistance to were being felt in the Maya city populations turning their attention from abstract astronomical and calendar concepts like planetary alignments to more practical matters like trying not to die from the Plague or Black Death pandemics that killed so many millions in Europe and Asia.

Remember that South and Central American populations often lived and worked in large cities that did not exist at the time in North American native populations where infections would have moved a bit slower through the more isolated settlements and camps. Logically, with no resistance at all, diseases and death would have spread like wildfire in the Central America city concentrations driving floods of already infected people out into the country where the damage would have continued likely resulting in unknown losses even greater and faster than the many milllions in Europe and Asia.

It is also possible that during the process of trying to intentionally destroy Maya "pagan" thoughts and ideas, another long count calendar might have been caught up in that and lost in it or perhaps may even reside somewhere in some collector's secret collection. After all, if some Spanish or European did get possession of this, during that time they would have had to keep it a secret for generations or their disobedience and their family's personal risk would have been very high.

In any case, all that we do know is that the Maya did not predict great disasters other than those that would normally be the case over the 5,125 years of time of the Long Count Calendar during which a lot can and often does happen here on Earth with mankind still surviving. One must also remember as well that there is some more recent evidence supporting that we may share this planet and moon with others more technologically advanced than ourselves. So don't forget that anything really negative that happens to this planet and moon on a global scale happens to all of us. That includes anyone not us and it is only natural to assume that they would attempt to implement their own survival strategies.

Yes it is also true that certain people around the world are now frantically building deep armored bolt holes in the ground, many at their public's expense, to try and survive great disasters feared to befall this planet like Nibiru and the Anunnaki coming. One day as a species we may learn to appreciate this but right now it seems more con job than anything real and is mostly about certain behind the scenes selfish people trying to protect their own personal interests with the general public regarded as expendable.

In my opinion, this kind of picked up pace digging/boring/building/storing activity was started more in earnest a few years ago when someone decided, based on model predictions that the secret we are not alone was going to come out anyway, to start a scam based on enticing country leaders to confirm that what we regard as aliens do exist and have their own unknown agendas. In my opinion, the goal of this con was to try and make world leaders join together in a secret pack complete of course with already chosen leadership from those producing the con.

The evidence of this is that major powers all about the same time went to the Moon to confirm in my opinion alien presence and, once confirmed directly for themselves, some light weights within certain spheres of influence got spooked and over reactive instead of just becoming more cautious. Now these spooked types are waiting for the other shoe to drop while digging out last resort bolt holes and no longer standing in the way of man's misuse of the Moon in an all or nothing gamble.

In my opinion, it is the latter agenda that we should be the most concerned about. If there is someone not us on the Moon to piss off and our kind does so, all that is required to take care of humanity is a little relatively lower level space travel ability technology on their part. For example, diverting a few asteroids our way in enough numbers to tax our ability to handle them and advanced life of any kind left on Earth suddenly becomes questionable. Further, that includes any under sea life or Antarctica life the knowledge of which has not been shared with the public forcing such silent partners to seriously consider what to do with us or leave themselves open to annihilation because of human foolishness.

My point is that the implications of secrecy where we abdicate responsibility and leave others to make decisions for us without our input can be very serious. If we aren't careful we could be surprised to discover one morning that it's too late to do anything as the dye has already been cast. In case we forget, below is a highlighted reminder of the principles this nation was conceived on by our fore fathers and as espoused in our:

United State of America
Declaration of Independence
July 4, 1776

".......We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security......."

Remember, even though I do emphatically agree with it, I did not make this philosophy. Also, if the mainstream can spare a few moments from Facebook, Twitter and other purely social blah blah interactions, are you aware that there is currently a big run on ammunition to the tune of many millions of rounds in the market places and that the supply is already in trouble. Does that say anything to you?

Now I am not some ultra conservative or wild liberal advocating rebellion here but what I am pointing out is a warning shot across the bow of those that manipulate and maintain secrecy. That warning shot says have a care! Some secrecy may be necessary for National Security and tolerated but not to the extent that it is being practiced in wholesale stripping the public out of the need to know loop on just about everything of importance. After all, if knowledge is uncomfortable to the mainstream, that is no reason to avoid it and every reason to engage it. Growth results when new knowledge challenges. Balance is the key.

The date of December 21, 2012 a few days from now will come and go without validation of any Maya negative predictions that have been so espoused by others. That doesn't mean that something of importance will not happen then. Rather, it will more likely be in the form of increased knowledge on a more subtle fundamental level that challenges us all and redirects mankind down newer paths. Are you ready?


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