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Commentary #023

July 19, 2007


In a recent e-mail, I've been asked the following question. On another topic there's one thing that has been nagging at me upon which I wonder if you might offer me your thoughts; if the civilization on mars is technically advanced as it appears that they are then they must be capable of discerning that we have trespassed upon their planet with the rovers and also in their orbit with our various imaging satellites. Why do you suppose that they have neither blinded these devices or disabled them in some other way? Do you believe that the numerous other devices that we have attempted to send to Mars which have failed did so as the result of action on the part of Martian citizenry? I am sure you must have opinions on these facts and I would love to know what you think if you feel comfortable sharing.

From my point of view, that is a seriously loaded question. Obviously I can't do this type of work for years absorbing this kind of planetary exploration information without having considered this very factor and at length. However I haven't been inclined to say much about this before now because for one it is more speculative in nature and two because it may not be well received. This will be especially true within the secrecy agenda either by the upper levels or their rank and file. Further, it might be perceived as possibly disturbing in its implications by the general population even as others sick of the secrecy and manipulation here might welcome other such possibilities.

On the other hand it has been almost seven years now that I've been producing this information in slow dribbles and the time to adapt to it is now running out. So here goes a more speculative scenario on this touchy subject in this public venue for your consideration. Remember that this narrative represents only one person's insight, or the lack of it as some might prefer to view it. It is a possibility not meant to represent a definitive analysis and should not be taken as that. Yet, it follows a certain trackable logic and reason that I suspect it is time for all of us on all sides to wake up to and give serious consideration to. When I answered that person's e-mail, my response went into the secrecy agenda's consciousness by virtue of their monitoring everything that I do or say, so here it is again in the public venue as well.

One of the factors that drew me into this work was the reported mission failures. I simply didn't sufficiently believe that they were real failures and suspected them of being hijacked into secrecy. Further, all I've seen since has not caused me to want to back away from this basic perception. If you haven't already, take a look at this article titled "What Ever Happened to Mars Polar Lander?" You may just get the impression that others very very high in the spy business strongly suspected this as well and that they had a real vested interest in some of those "lost" missions. Then you'll also have to ask yourself why a premier secret spy agency would be even be interested in a probe to Mars unless something of theirs was onboard and be irritated enough with the results of their own investigations to publicly speak about it at all putting NASA and JPL on the spot in the process.

So, when this appeared to be again trying to happen with the MGS MOC data in holding back its initial 2000 release and especially upon learning that Admiral Bobby Inman, one of this nation's premier highest level super spooks, chaired the JPL oversight committee in secret and therefore Mars exploration, it was the final straw dragging me in. The business just became too disgusting to ignore any more.

As for why our satellite and ground probes are allowed around and on Mars, from my point of view one need only to just put oneself in the other party's position and practice some reason as opposed to emotional reactions. As a fast growing but fledgling technologically advanced emerging culture, we Earth humans represent little to no effective physical threat to any other very advanced cultures that may exist out there and that will be true for many years and decades to come. However, we are a new and often knot headed bunch that can prove irritatingly persistent and even at our technology level we can inflict even global harm on others, that is if the right circumstances are allowed to prevail that might favor it.

So what would you do if you had our emerging Earth society and its ways accurately assessed and knew the future would eventually be unavoidable interaction with us? Now let's assume for the sake of argument that there are advanced cultures out there on Mars and let's confine our considerations here in this reporting piece to Mars. Let's also assume that some on Mars are technologically very advanced well beyond Earth human capability at this point in time. Now assume that two prevalent active but basic psychological forces exist in varying degrees in all very intelligent naturally evolved life, that of reactive emotion and reason.

With those assumptions in mind, unless technology via circumstance is grabbed or raided from someone else more advanced, such technological advancement is normally a product of progressing logic and reason rather than emotion. The reasoning may be motivated and empowered by emotion but it is the reason itself that gets the job done, not emotion. Therefore it is logical to extrapolate that cultures who evidence high technological advancement beyond our own without having raided it from someone else have and are demonstrating liberal use of reason to arrive at that development point. So this aspect is not assumption but an extrapolation based on reason.

Now back to the original e-mail question. Why would technologically advanced civilizations on Mars, if they exist, allow our satellites to circle their planet and our probes to land and explore? Would we do the same thing? The answer to that of course is a very likely NO. On the other hand, it is also likely that we aren't as advanced in either the reasoning department or the technology. Think about it.

In one scenario, if you're from a different culture and simply want to be left alone and consistently destroy Earth's missions to Mars, once such a consistent destructive pattern becomes fully apparent to Earth humans here on this end and without any other mitigating factors, it would be interpreted by most humans here on Earth as a potentially hostile act. If this kind of information was universally known here, eventually most on this planet would then be in a fear versus caution driven mode gearing for some potential future conflict that could hopefully be avoided but must be prepared for. After some decades of delay and once we are finally able to get off of this planet more effectively and move around, that is the defensive fear driven psychology that we would carry forward into our outbound space exploration and initial formal contact scenarios. That's not good.

In another alternative scenario, since Earth human leadership is too often greedy, grasping and shortsighted, a more advanced culture turning the other cheek and simply allowing us unfettered access is going to produce a too much shortsighted aggressive "we want what you've got" psychology here on Earth. You know that as well as I do. Further, any advanced culture that made it their business to know, would also be well aware of that. So that scenario playing out would almost certainly force the more advanced culture in turn eventually into a defensive and aggressive posture favoring conflict. Again, that's not good.

So either of the above so far discussed scenarios are far too likely to produce aggressive stances and eventual conflict. Worse, we as the emerging culture would almost certainly get the short end of any conflict like that in a hurry. So what is a more advanced culture to do?

It is a matter of degrees but generally there are two basic types here on Earth, at least from the different advance culture point of view. There are the great population masses living in ignorance and denial far too often trying to abdicate responsibility for complexities they don't want to deal with to others that they will in exchange acknowledge as leaders, such as they are. Then there are those others of great wealth, power and influence who have picked up the ball we populations dropped and then they've bent it to serve their own self interests. The interests of the many are not the interests of the few and vice versa in such a situation and that should come as no surprise to anyone. The independent types who yearn for better balance and would do more if they could are too few and historically too scattered and isolated throughout this world's populations to be a significant factor.

This is what any different advanced culture has to deal with here currently on Earth. If you were them, would you want to deal with dumbed down populations who prefer to believe that you don't exist and might potentially fly apart at a mere suggestion of your real presence? Or, would you want to deal with those myopically focused on material gain and getting what you have? Beginning to see the dilemma yet?

So now one of many satellite or ground probes comes in from Earth to your planet Mars intruding into your advanced culture and way of life with yet more to come. Here's what you definitely don't do. You don't destroy, you don't ignore, and you can't turn the other cheek. If you do any of this the consequences previously described may assert and play out. So what do you actively do? Remember now, you have highly advanced technology demonstrating at least a probable good measure of concentration on logic and reason.

First and foremost, what you do is make sure the data stream coming back to Earth carries what you want it to carry. So what might that be? Some of it will be real, some of it will be fake (remember the technology) beyond the ability of Earth types to adequately detect, and some will carry mental manipulation embedded in the visual medium (technology again) that triggers in the Earth human brain without conscious awareness. The latter factor would be similar to but more advanced than long known subliminal information that is suppose to be illegal in our own Earth advertising but is often done anyway.

So who will it affect? The secrecy agenda will see to it that little of either the truth or the fake that appears to be the truth will reach Earth's great masses and so they are not much directly effected. The manipulation will by design impact primarily the secrecy agenda and those that generally do their bidding or are employed by them associated with the probes. WHAT!? Beginning to connect the dots yet to see how so many associated directly and indirectly with the secrecy agenda, even when they are not actively a part of it, can be so blind to so many things that otherwise appear so obvious to you and I in the planetary exploration experience as presented here at this website? Yes, it most definitely is a clue.

At some point after many years and decades this patient manipulation eventually by design (designs within designs within designs) becomes vaguely apparent to the secrecy agenda smarter types at the upper level. This realization that they may have been had so easily in this way scares the crap out of them but that is kept hidden even from their own lower reasoning and more reactive rank and file. That fear makes them cautious and content to move more slowly and carefully and that too is by design.

Along and along tidbits of technology are allowed through this manipulation that the secrecy agenda can turn to its personal advantage here on Earth. By feeding them what their addicted to and what benefits them personally, they become relatively content with this state of affairs congratulating themselves in the process that this has all come to them by their own manipulative efforts and so progress is being made in dealing with the "alien" thing. It's an illusion of course but then what's new about that with these people who practice the art of illusion constantly like walking and accept it as a normal part of life.

Likewise, haven't you ever noticed that all probes going to Mars are all covert state of the art intelligence and surveillance technology both as to what is reported publicly onboard and especially what is secret and not reported. It is just not publicly admitted to or identified as such. I strongly suspect that it is this fear driven psychology that has prevented our return to the Moon for decades even though that place is our most logical space exploration jumping off point.

Over time the technology tidbits gained via various experiences such as crashes and observation data trickles down into the population and it eventually enables (by design) the very technology that gradually empowers the independent open minded point of view here on Earth. As just one example, this work and those that will become a part of the Planetary Truth Project are beneficiaries of this "design within design" scenario playing out. The reality is that it was always the scattered independent thinkers disenfranchised few here on Earth that were the ultimate targets all along. It is advanced culture reason rooting out and enabling reason here on Earth. In other words the more advanced culture manipulation is far more subtle and patient than the crude but so far effective crapola the secrecy agenda practices on us complete with our general apathy and acceptance.

Before full exchange with a greater environment and civilizations can begin productively, there must be something else with more responsible reasoning content present here on Earth. The polarizing mass ignorance and denial as well as myopic greed and secrecy promoting that mass ignorance just isn't good enough to generate advanced culture respect and thereby consideration. Reasoning ability must exist on a larger scale and it must be initiated from within by us evolving, not imposed by someone else externally such as by a more advanced culture. Otherwise, the net result is that we're just a bunch of dependent babies that someone else has to correct and take care of and therefore a liability to others with all the negatives that go with that.

Does this level of reasoning self analysis and awareness give you pause? Do you find it disturbing? Well we experience massive manipulative influence every day on large and small scales both from without and within whether we wish to admit it or not. It is what we are accustomed to. The secrecy agenda I've spoken of so often here is only a small part of it. So many generations have grown up from childhood with this state of affairs that it is accepted like walking and not thought of for what it is. Yet within us we have the ability to detect this and deal with it and ourselves, if we will. Growth and growing up is not just a process from youth to adulthood as measured by age but a life long process of problems, solutions and choices between reality and pretense and good and bad.

Here on Earth the secrecy agenda through its positioning now doubles as our leadership, both public and mostly hidden, and their brand of manipulation stemming from their addiction to self would leave us increasingly ignorant and incapable of dealing with such important issues directly impacting our lives. Is that what we want for ourselves and our children? We are being provided the chance here to rise out of this morass via our own efforts and responsibly placing our destiny in our own hands. Now it remains to be seen if enough open minded independent thinkers can collectively become involved and step up to the plate as new additional leaders and begin to heal the Earth human historical polarizing extremes. If so, then there is a greater destiny for Earth humans to move forward into.

If not, then we may be in line for some serious upheaval and/or restraint to let upheaval sort things out here before we start interacting with more advanced cultures. Why? Because this is all driven by technology. We are all committed to technological advancement and that is relentlessly driving us into contact with others and their differences so that neither side ultimately has a choice. The tidbits cooled the pace a little and deflected it a bit buying time but we'll want their technological advancements and it will be like a magnet drawing and accelerating us in. Soon it will no longer be business as usual as our Earth culture starts encountering other cultures and their differences.

Are you put off by this? If so, why? Remember when you were younger and didn't know very much? The future stretched out in front of you full of unknowns and was regarded as a challenge to be met and not solely an inhibiting factor. Most of us moved out of youth and into that future adapting to and meeting that challenge. Yes it may be humbling to learn at this stage in life that all along there was more to life and its challenges than material things, kids, family, jobs, careers, and entertainment. Now you can add greater environment Earth human destiny and interaction with more advanced cultures and their differences to that list with all the complexities that will come with that.

Don't get confused about this, it is the tidbit technological advancement that is driving this, not work like this website. This work merely reflects and articulates it. The secrecy types are addicted to the current state of affairs because it serves their self interest greed and like all serious addicts they cannot stop themselves on this. However, the tidbit bent and led technological advancement makes the collapse of both the secrecy and the current ignorance and denial as certain as the Sun coming up every day. The secrecy agenda's own AI computer models tell them this unequivocally but they're far too addicted to now generations old secrecy tacticals of control or the illusion of it to know what to do about this or provide the leadership to adapt to it.

So it's just a question of time and how hard the awakening and landing may be and who is going to step up to the plate. Those with the necessary reason and vision have a chance to step into this and mitigate the awakening's negative impact and heal the extremes enough in the relative sense before it is too late. But, it is a question of timing as well as Earth human initiative or will it be the lack of same? What others may have started on our behalf is strictly up to us to pick up the ball on, if we will.

My purpose here in articulating these possibilities is not to disturb you but to invite you to wake up to the need for a new and different way in Earth human behavior evolution, the need for reason and independent thinking outside the box, the need for leaders that can effectively practice reason rather than just indulge in reactive emotion or just being against something. Just keep this in mind in the months ahead as the Planetary Truth Project begins to take shape here and try to build something positive on these principles.


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