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Commentary #018

December 6, 2006



A 12/5/2006 article titled "Mars: Doesn't Read Our Textbooks" by Leonard David appeared today on and more specifically on their website blog page. In the first three paragraphs, the following statements are made.

Keep an eye out for NASA's new Mars announcement. The buzz here in Houston at a Space Exploration conference is that years of photo snaps by the recently-lost Mars Global Surveyor has picked up a gullywasher of a finding.

"Stay tuned," advised NASA's Colleen Hartman, Science Mission Directorate Deputy Associate Administrator. A new view of Mars is forthcoming, she said.

"One thing for just keeps refusing to read our textbooks," Hartman explained.

The question is are we about to encounter some really direction shifting truth information from NASA or will this fizzle out in perception similar to the "Shock and Awe" treatment like we've never seen before in Baghdad? Of course that depends on Ms. Hartman's interpretation and who's perception this revelation will be directed at as well as what will actually eventually come out and how compromised it may be. But, meanwhile, here's my independent take on it.

I suspect there is a struggle going on within the secrecy agenda. Of course there is always a struggle going on based on differing individual outlooks and opinions as well as who is more in power at the moment. But, I suspect this one is more fundamental and rises above the rest because it is driven less by psychological choices and ideas and more by increasingly revealing hard evidence that tends to limit said choices. In fact, I suspect it is driven at least in part by the very growing independent discovery evidence record you see here at this website.

This isn't ego reaction but rather merely logic and reason. Yes, there are other Mars evidence revelations out here but, for the most part, they tend to be only a few solid discoveries that tend to be isolated here and there around the world and mixed with much lesser quality discoveries. The simple fact is that there is only one growing extensive entire body of independent discovery hard evidence around the world and that is here at this website and it is known to be heavily monitored by the secrecy agenda.

Further, this evidence steadily digs away at and erodes the very support foundations of the secrecy agenda relating to Mars basics. This is mostly in the form of (1) super freezing Mars conditions; (2) super dry waterless conditions on the Mars surface that might support life; and (3) atmospheric CO2 content that is many times over lethal to life as we know it. These three factors are supposed to be based on unquestioned science instrument data that are the main underlying support structure for the overall concept that Mars is hostile to life and a lifeless place.

However, the secrecy agenda is faced with a number of dilemmas that aren't going away. One is based on technology. While people are always subject to psychological manipulation and digital imaging data is also amiable to mass manipulation by very fast automated computer and software measures, it can never quite achieve perfection meaning that mistakes happen. That factor is very important when we're talking about many tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of images. In those kinds of numbers, human intervention cleaning up things is just too slow and rare automated mistakes here and there translate ultimately into too many images revealing too much truth that undermines carefully fabricated secrecy.

For example, even in the old 1970s black and white satellite imaging Viking data, although the comprehensive blanketing but rather crude smudge image tampering hid just about everything including non-threatening innocent material as well, it still critically missed the dome and plant puffing vapor civilization evidence in my year 2000 Report #010. Further, if I had done more research in this older data, I suspect more such strong anomalous evidence would be forthcoming.

Then there is the much later Navy Intelligence and Department of Defense Clementine Moon satellite data I have little doubt was also about refining the digital image obfuscation technology to be used in later probes like MGS (Mars Global Surveyor) to Mars. However, a flaw is revealed in those tampering applications in that they conformed too tightly to really colossal size objects like the super tall massive objects in my 2004 Report #067 and super bulky objects in Report #068 revealing their outline isolation and presence in the terrain as well as a few other outright missed or partially missed smaller anomalous objects.

Then came the MGS satellite data in the many tens of thousands of images where the bulk of my research has been concentrated and the bulk of my discoveries have come from. I suspect the Mars missions that allegedly failed before MGS were merely scratched from public release of too imperfectly concealed data with the failure cover story floated to conceal this. By the time of MGS, the image tampering was much better at blending its presence into the surrounding terrain but still not perfect allowing too much truth through such as you see here at this website.

In the MER Spirit and Opportunity on Mars rover imaging, the much higher camera resolution and close to target factors presented more unique image tampering challenges that were well met in general but still imperfect. I suspect the advanced image tampering technology development for this laid the developmental groundwork mile stone for the current even higher resolution and current MRO satellite imaging. Likewise, the artificial ESA color imaging that carries on the back of mapping into the terrain software further develops the use of color to obfuscate more information than it enhances.

Despite all this technological advancement in obfuscation capability, the current higher than ever MRO camera resolution is still producing mistakes made in the obfuscation process and from the publicly released imaging as will be revealed by my next upcoming Report #111. No telling what is revealed in the MRO imaging that they are not releasing. The inescapable factor is that these ongoing flaws and my still being able to capitalizing on them with a growing extensive body of evidential work is the bane of the secrecy agenda and at the heart of their dilemmas.

This unique work as an extensive growing body of evidence isn't going away and worse the evidence is steadily growing. It is only a matter of time before it reaches critical mass in public awareness with all of the implications that come with that. They know this unequivocally. Why? Because their own great God computer modeling tells them this without equivocation. Unlike the planetary scientists that they feed information to for their computer modeling, the secrecy agenda's data is for the most part entirely accurate in what they feed into their models. While their historical purpose may be to fool others, they aren't about fooling themselves. For them this is a matter of survival and very personal.

Their models tell them that the failure of planetary secrecy as it has been historically practiced for so long and so successfully is imminent and unavoidable. They would have needed a quantitative measure as to what will constitute that failure and when. I suspect my website traffic numbers and the psychological profiling of who pays attention to this evidence are important constituents of that measure. That is why it is essential that they intercept my hit traffic (over 1,019,000+ in November) for the sheer quantitative numbers and my email for numbers and the psychological profiling.

I suspect those numbers have already reached their model prediction forewarning critical mass or nearly so. I strongly suspect that this is why I recently received that very big name old line publication offer that I declined. It was disguised as TV exposure but I suspect it was really hiding a hatchet job in the shadows. From my perspective, it demonstrated that time is running out and that they really need to do something about this growing evidence record to buy more time but their dilemma is what to do?

If they can't do anything directly with the evidence (and they can't effectively), then the usual alternative is to do something about the source of the evidence and that means me. By misdirection impugning the character of the source, one indirectly negatively impacts the true targeted evidence. It is a oblique misdirection tactic as old as mankind. However, their profiling of me has also no doubt revealed my highly independent stubborn lock on nature and that I can endure punishment. Likewise, they are no doubt suspicious and uncertain of who may be behind me.

Also and more importantly, if they jump on either me or this evidence, they will seriously risk bringing the very wide spread public exposure to it (they know I would see to it) they are trying to avoid and that is the very last thing they want. After all, I'm not the important thing, it is the evidence that is all important and the key. Such overt actions of theirs strongly risks actually accelerating the very thing they are trying to stall and put off. Worse it could develop into a out of their control scenario snowballing into catastrophic consequences for them personally. I assume that they are much smarter than to fall into such an obvious self made hole.

Another dilemma that is itself suppose to be a secret and without a doubt less well seen by all concerned, is that their own grasping and raiding for technological advancement may be a perception secret to and a matter of ignorance for the bulk of Earth's mainstream populations but it is no secret to others who may be in our greater environment that are not us. This to is reaching critical mass because the secrecy agenda's progress in this regard over the past decades is now accelerating not only themselves but all of Earth human kind into a no choice confrontation and engagement with these others and their agendas as well as they with us. Such a scenario playing out may at this point be premature for us and to that extent be problematic.

In other words, even though less well recognized, the secrecy agenda and its grasping for secrets and technological advantage is itself driving us all toward confrontation even while they are otherwise tactically trying to stall it off. I'm no prophet and this isn't a matter of mystical prophecy, it is merely logical extrapolation and common sense, if we assume that we are not alone. Since it is extremely unlikely that anyone here on Earth has enough insight and self restraint to slow the obsessive technological advancement grasping, then we're all committed to a coming new age of more sudden and substantial change.

Some in the secrecy agenda can see at least part of this complexity approaching and their voices are raised for change in the larger historical secrecy direction and dealing with this while the herding consensus wants to hang on to the old tried and true familiar tactics. This inner debate and turmoil finds its way down slope and into the more public face organizations like NASA and JPL, etc. with the same result. My own discovery work primarily, but also in conjunction with like minded others like yourself, as a greater whole reinforces and helps drive this inner debate and turmoil and ultimately helps influence the decisions that arise from it.

You who have frequented this evidence record in the past and those new to it in the future are an essential part of this. It is a force and movement that you have been a part of without perhaps realizing it. In other words, we have all helped drive the secrecy agenda, its reactions, and its decision making in planetary exploration. In fact, we are essential to it. I have always thought of and considered this process of involvement as the "Planetary Truth Project" and it is now so named.

This force has been by design helping drive the secrecy crowd's agenda now for over six years. This driving and shaping pressure of more and more truth along and along in dribs and drabs creeping slowly up on them has boxed in the secrecy crowd forcing this growing evidence record to increasingly become more and more a factor in secrecy and its decision making. Also, it has given those voices for change within the secrecy agenda a louder voice and subtly shaping that to. Who says that average people cannot effect and shape change! We are all a part of this. We literally are the community that is the Planetary Truth Project.

Now it appears as though someone in NASA may be considering what may be a momentous announcement that is suggested to be nothing less than a significant shift in direction as to the Mars story. By the time this announcement is actually released in the near future, it may be severely watered down and compromised by the influences of the herding consensus rather than something out of the cutting edge and real truth. Even so, regardless of what is released, it is a sign that forces are at work within the secrecy ranks to reveal some level of truth. Whether the real deal is now or later, truth is eventually inevitable and unavoidable and you can bet that it will have been assisted along in part by our involvement.

I'm 64-years old as of a few days ago and my beginnings date back to World War II and the beginning of the atomic age and space exploration. Needless to say I've been observing this business for most of that time. Whether this NASA announcement amounts to some real rare truth and change in planetary exploration direction or fizzles out with yet more but different tactical manipulation, change is on the wind. I smell it. Do you? I sense that we are here at this time and place at the nexus point and, regardless of any NASA announcement yea or nay, we are turning a corner here that is going to change a great deal.

If the coming announcement opts in the end for just a different obfuscation tactical direction or if the revelation is significantly watered down, that may appeal to the already well sucked in mainstream and scientists but it doesn't change anything at all in absolute terms as to the growing influence momentum of this evidence record that we are behind. It will have its way simply because it represents truth and more importantly reality and reality always prevails in the end even when truth alone stumbles.

If they have any real sense, they will at least reveal the presence of liquid surface water on Mars or support its strong possibility and then let the implications and others go where they will in a coming onboard process. They know that I have conclusive evidence of Mars liquid surface water from years ago. It is the main part of my first book. One of the reasons (just one now) that I've held up release of that book is to give these people a chance to step up and take the leadership role in this rather than me have to do it in spite of them and over them.

If I have to do that, I will be perceived as assailing them in a full blown adversarial role and they will eventually be seen in an incredibly poor enough light that might encourage a head hunt and head rolling public reaction scenario. That would be regrettable and is not my wish. My goal is not to tear down but to build new bridges not only between people but between people and our destiny as well as between Earth humanity and any others we must engage. Destructive results are not conducive to such a goal while preserving and capitalizing on already in place assets is.

It's too bad that the paranoid secrecy agenda types apparently can't see this and that this evidence record doesn't need to be regarded as a threat to them. We could all work together to achieve positives for all with a little compromise and cooperation. Yes I am aligned against secrecy and the ignorance it proliferates as well as blind power, but no I'm not necessarily against the individuals mistakenly and foolishly involved and caught up in it. In the real world where skilled adversaries abound, some secrecy is required.

In any case, we await to see what the internal debate and our collective pressure is producing in the announcement NASA comes up with and whether it will be revealing of some real Mars truth or just another different tactical blip the BS radar or maybe some compromise in between? If the consensus wins out, we probably want see much of anything but we can only patiently wait and see.


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