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Commentary #013

August 16, 2006



I'm now going to be releasing a fair amount of material from the South Polar Region on the more strange and harder to recognize of Mars' forest life bio-diversity evidence and it occurs to me that I may need to explain a few things that really shouldn't be repeated over and over again redundantly in future individual reports. After all, some new people coming onboard and just discovering the existence of this type of evidence for the first time will not have the benefit of past familiarity with some of the previously posted report material, so I'm going to state it here once and refer back to it in future reports as needed.

First, please understand what I'm referring to when I refer to the Mars forest life bio-diversity. I'm of course not talking about advanced life or civilization evidence. Rather, what I'm referring to is lower to mid level biological life on Mars mostly in the form of visible forest evidence and its diversity which can be identified and differentiated from terrain geology in this distant poor quality and much more often than not obfuscated satellite imaging. On Earth this would normally mean vegetation evidence and it does on Mars as well but it also means an awful lot of what I suspect is colony life evidence unique to Mars, especially in size scale.

Does this type of evidence represent what may be wide spread around the planet? Maybe but at this point we just can't extrapolate that much with enough certainty, at least no yet. I do suspect it probably is the case to varying degrees depending on any given area conditions. However, please note that these discoveries really represent only what I've identified in the South Polar Region. I concentrated there because of its known, at least to me, greater surface water concentrations and in general more life supporting conditions.

Even so, the implications of these South Polar Region forest evidence are enormous. For example, massive areas of conventional tree type forest evidence with its known to us terrain condition requirements alone clearly demonstrates a very high probability of the presence of adequate ground surface water. Such surface water and tree evidence both existing together in the Mars terrain thoroughly flies right in the face of the current accepted science model that Mars is a super dry hard frozen dead world with a primarily carbon dioxide (CO2) atmosphere deadly to most life as we know it. Regardless of the previous science data and previous trust placed in it, such hard visual evidence so contrary to current science thinking that undermines favored theories can't be ignored just because it is inconvenient to the current view.

It must also be noted here that in the existing data acquired to date the individual object normal size evidence we might be visually familiar with here on Earth is just not going to be large enough to be seen individually in this poor resolution imaging data, so don't expect that. It must be understood up front that any anomalous information in general is, in my opinion, subject to resolution image tampering that obscures just about everything in a image strip as well as object and terrain area specific tampering that outright hides ground based evidence and/or partially obscures it. This means that only very large size individual evidence or collectively vast amounts of massed smaller normal size forest evidence existing on a large spreading scale can be seen well enough, even though often still very poorly, to be adequately identified.

So, unless an individual object is physically colossal in size helping to overcome to some extent some of these obfuscation factors, we're generally talking about wide spread forest type evidence that covers broad areas of the terrain and what ever smaller life that lives within it is going to remain unknown and speculative in this imaging, at least in the poor quality that has been released to us. However, with that said, significant colossal size Mars tree evidence has been found as I've shown in Report #019 and to a lesser extent and more obscure in where there is also some "normal" size but poorly seen tree evidence in a great spreading forest surrounding some very strong surface water lake evidence.

As for the Mars forests, on Earth the term is normally interpreted as massed wooded branching trees or large bushes akin to trees. In fact, fairly conventional size tree evidence as broad area forests (as interpreted by Earth standards) is present on Mars but of course, like all massed Mars forest life evidence of any kind, can only be poorly seen in this satellite imaging and I of course suspect that is entirely by intent. I have previously reported a number of samples of this Mars conventional tree evidence, certainly enough to let you know that it does exist. Such evidence can for example be found best in Report #100 where there is a fairly good comparison with similar Earth forest visuals as well as in Report #103. There may also be some such evidence in Report #101 mixed with other forest life evidence as that was more of a transition report moving away from conventional tree evidence toward the more strange of the Mars forest evidence.

So now from this point forward we're gradually moving toward the more strange, visually unfamiliar, and harder to interpret Mars forest life bio-diversity. Even so, I think you will find some of it very telling. As this relatively unfamiliar to the Earth human eye looking evidence unfolds in future reports and if you've become familiar with my past reports on spotty forest evidence of different kinds, be forewarned that I think you're going to begin to realize that some Mars biological forest life is indeed often very different than here on Earth and especially with new dimensions of huge size and scale. In fact I use the term "forest" tentatively for the lack of a better term. The term identifies this type of darker more light absorbing life evidence as spreading, engulfing and hiding normally more light reflective geological terrain from view in broad wide areas.

You should be aware that such great dense masses of spreading life "forests" typically completely fill a closer view narrow-angle strip from side to side and top to bottom showing little to no breaks in the evidence or of forest edges or boundaries or where it may encounter open terrain. Such image strips showing only a small part of the forest evidence and very little to none of the forest's surrounding context have sometimes been treated relatively lightly by the image tampering treatments. When this happens, it allows us a fairly decent even if partially obfuscated view of the evidence because the secrecy agenda no doubt thought that you and I and the scientists and academics not in the their pockets would be too dumb and/or conditioned to recognize it and would therefore confuse it with natural geological terrain. Worse, they were apparently essentially right in this regard because the trained scientists and academics are clearly conspicuous by the absence in discovering and presenting any of this anomalous material to us.

Another unfortunate aspect of the official science data when it comes to this type of massive image filling forest evidence is that general resolution degradation of the image is the name of the game. This often by itself obscures the evidence leaving it too blurry and indistinct without any zoom factor. Further, even when the resolution in the official image appears decent enough, it will not allow any significant zoom factor and accordingly denies a closer look at individual structure for obvious reasons.

As this type of more unfamiliar to the Earth human eye evidence makes itself more present in your awareness and as you begin to correlate this new evidence with older evidence already presented in this growing evidence record over these past years, I think some of you are going to come to realize more and more that simpler biological life on Mars, at least that we can see and recognize in this obfuscated imaging, has evolved quite differently than here on Earth and is very unique to Mars. I suspect that you and I both are gradually going to become more and more aware that colony biological life evidence in great variety right along side conventional (to us) biological life evidence plays a very large role on this planet and its unique environment.

I think that we're eventually going to find that land based air breathing colony life form types we are more familiar with here on Earth like for example mold and mushrooms are a presence on Mars but on a size scale that we aren't familiar with. Also we may very well even find that what we regard as tiny size bacterial life here on Earth has evolved on Mars into gigantic formations. Likewise, I'm also suspecting that we're also going to become more and more aware that ancient colony sea life like coral, polyps and sea anemones have continued to survive, at least in the South Polar Region with its greater surface water saturation, gradually evolved as out of water air breathing types developing many different evolutionary strategies effecting their visual appearance. So keep an open mind in this regard.

If these more unusual life form types turn out to be the case, think of the vast amount of time it would take for such gradual evolutionary changes to take place. We're talking many hundreds of thousands of years at the very minimum and more likely many millions if not many tens or hundreds of millions of years.

Why is that important to us and why am I harping so on this type of evidence? Well because, if such a scenario turns out to be the case in the more objective exploration and research ahead, then this planet must have lost a great deal of its surface water reserves only very slowly over eons of gradual change. Assuming that diminished surface water reserves still exist in reasonable plenty, and this is backed up by my own discoveries, that would make the planet Mars an extremely stable slowly changing and very favorable platform for progressive biological life evolutionary development. Further, at the very minimum, that would also have all kinds of implications for native intelligent and advanced life development that would almost certainly be produced by such very long stable evolutionary cycles. In other words, this type of visual evidence and its implications moves us in a direction completely different than the currently accepted science and its perceptions of this our sister planet.

If such concepts of native life sustained development aren't enough, take a step further and imagine a scenario where ancient travelers coming into this relatively remote planetary system, located far out from the busy galactic center, decide to settle here. In ancient or even modern times, which world would you pick, Earth or Mars? Would you pick our beautiful blue marble but younger more unstable Earth with its periodic global changes often globally catastrophic to then existing life and tremendously uncomfortable very strong gravity well as viewed by travelers no doubt more used to lighter gravity space travel or would you pick older more stable Mars with its more gradual global changes and its milder gravity well?

At this current stage of Mars exploration and research here on Earth where truth about our sister planet is treated so loosely and Earth populations in general live in denial as to our greater planetary environment, that is why the question of the presence of surface water and biological life on Mars is so much more important right now than for example the higher drama of advanced civilization evidence. In our more mainstream thinking, we have to crawl before we can walk and walk before we can run with first things first! The still existing Mars surface water presence enables biological life and some of that massed biological forest life almost certainly pumps oxygen into the Mars atmosphere. These basic concepts bring understanding and eventually truth and acceptance of it and its implications home into our consciousness.

I had been holding back both surface water discoveries and the forest evidence for inclusion as content in my first book that will try to reach further into the mainstream consciousness through such traditional means. But, compared with surface water evidence, so much of this particular kind of strange Mars forest evidence is so unfamiliar to the Earth human eye, so it has become increasingly clear to me that bringing this kind of information into public awareness is going to be difficult via a book strategy with its distinct image presentation limitations. This kind of more difficult to recognize information is going to need larger clearer images practically possible only with clearer website presentation images as compared with much poorer quality book images.

Unfortunately, most of this forest evidence as presented in the science data, is just a continuous unbroken mat of evidence with a satellite imaging strip taking only a small slice out of its broad expanse and rarely showing any of its edges or boundaries or the context wider area terrain within which it exists that always helps interpretation tremendously. The wide-angle imaging is useless for this purpose because it already has by nature poorer resolution that enables and obscures broad area image tampering. So, to get that context in this type of imaging, one must become familiar with many hundreds of images of this type of evidence and then be able to put the bits and pieces of this evidence together collectively in one's head for real insight. This state of affairs may be just fine for obfuscation purposes and even tolerable for a researcher collecting these many bits and pieces in memory putting them together as a whole but it makes it extremely difficult to convey this kind of information to the public via even this website information path.

Most of the time for viewers, in any one forest life image presented here, there is just too much detail that overwhelms the perception senses where the eye tends to see only dense busy confusion. The net result is that only broad patterns are recognized as opposed to individual detail and the inability to zoom in closer insures it. Because of this, the forest evidence tends to look similar to chaotic geological terrain and can easily be and often is confused with it.

Worse, much of the stranger looking "forest" evidence (if my conclusion that a lot of it is evolved colony life is correct) is harder tougher surfaced objects designed to better retain moisture as compared to often more feathery appearance and intermingling merging look of wooded bushes or trees. This situation results in images with abnormally very high file sizes as the graphics software counts all those individual objects down there and that places a serious limitation on the number of images that can be included in any one report which in turn inhibits how much visual evidence can be presented at a time. This results in a disjuncted presentation of evidence, as you will see in my reports, making it harder to get a grip on in memory.

Most of the South Polar Region forest more normal size evidence is like this and suffers from these presentation problems. A rare exception is evidence in my Report #021 of a giant colony fungi looking growth that is both colossal in size overcoming to some extent resolution obfuscation problems and it also has well defined forest boundaries because it exists only on the top of ridges with down slopes far too steep and unstable to support its growth there. The rarely seen forest overall context conditions clearly demonstrate that it is darker more light absorbing growth compared to and clearly not to be confused with the also clearly evident very light reflective terrain geology. In other words, when both the evidence and its context geological terrain environment are present in an image as in Report #021, there is no confusion as to which is life and which isn't.

But, for the most part, the stranger Mars bio-diversity biological life "forest" evidence presented in this record will not be this convenient with boundaries and accompanying context terrain information. Because it is located in more level terrain with good ground water conditions, it will be about massive fields of densely packed continuous unbroken patterns of relatively darker more light absorbing life evidence engulfing and hiding true more light reflective terrain geology from view both in my images and for that matter throughout the science data narrow-angle strip from edge to edge. Just please be aware of this perception situation and take it into consideration as you view this type of evidence.

It is after all the nature of forests of life. It covers huge areas when conditions permit and the more stable and facilitating the conditions the denser the evidence gets tending to squeeze and force out any other less aggressive competing life evidence. This is especially the case in the Mars South Polar Region favorable conditions. It is however less the situation here on Earth because very wide spread human populations and our activities often severely impact and inhibit the spread of vegetation biological life all around the planet as we tend to incorrectly regard it as only a inexhaustible useable resource. This kind of pretense and living in denial, if it goes too far, can be deadly to most life on our planet.

Mars on the other hand does have a thinner atmosphere than Earth and we may eventually discover that this may very well be due to too much life density on the planet with the same kind of mistakes we're making but made there long ago in ancient times. Forests on Mars, especially oxygen producing ones, may now in more recent times be more valued for that purpose than as an inexhaustible resource. In other words, if one survives one's mistakes, one hopefully learns from them.

Also, where such great massive forest life density has existed for eons of time, some of the more unfamiliar smaller looking forest life evidence may be symbiotic, parasitic or even predatory life that may capitalize on such great forest life density conditions and grow within it or on it. But, even that can be visually confused because colony type life evidence often goes through visual transformation cycles and what the evidence looks like in one cycle may be quite different looking in another cycle. The caterpillar and later butterfly are examples of this here on Earth.

So what is otherwise the same type of evidence can look different from spot to spot areas within great spreading masses. Such visual difference and unfamiliarity looking factors make this type of Mars evidence challenging to identify but absolutely fascinating.


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