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Commentary #008

July 22, 2005


If, just for the sake of argument, we assume that aliens do exist and apparently may have some kind of interest in us, then why don't they just contact us out in the open and establish beginning lines of communication? Further, taking the next step, if they have already been interacting with us in some way, why all this continued slipping and sliding around remaining ever elusive on the edge of perception and the periphery of our lives? These are legitimate powerful questions when considered by themselves like lone islands without any other considerations.

Is the answer that they are plotting against us in some way, perhaps to take our world over? Are they just waiting for the right moment when we partially self-destruct in some way and become too weakened to adequately defend ourselves? Many recent popular movies like propaganda ridden "Stormship Troopers" and the menace is already upon us "Independence Day" as well as TV series like "Stargate SG1" portray just such threat scenarios for our consumption. Sometimes research reveals a cooperative military intelligence presence in their making. Is this entertainment and/or conditioning?

Of course, few things exist alone without other factors influencing results. Being Earth humans with our own unique and isolated myopic perception, we tend to assume that the answer to such questions lies within the prerogative of someone other than ourselves because we know we don't have the answers and someone else therefore may. I know that I've asked it before myself with the same basic expectation. Unfortunately, the process of asking this question in this fashion itself demonstrates considerable over simplification and naiveté on our part as to who and what we are and what we are all about as individuals and as a collective people.

Double talk? What in the world am I talking about? Well, for example, how does one adequately define the one word "us" in asking such questions? When we ask, just who do we mean when we refer to them contacting "us?" Do we mean representatives from our political leadership? Do we mean representatives from military leadership? Do we mean representatives from business/industrial leadership? Do we mean representatives from academic leadership? Do we mean representatives from scientific leadership? Do we mean representatives from media leadership? Do we mean representatives from the general population? Do we mean all of the above? As you can see, it becomes more complicated the closer you begin to look at the issue.

Certainly all of the fore mentioned have a hand in the running of this world and would be impacted by contact with any intelligent advanced culture that is other than our own. That's the theory of it but the reality is almost certainly different than that. In older ages when many oligarchies universally dominated the various populations and lands of this world, who of "us" to contact is pretty clear if contact is to occur at all. On the other hand, in this current age our various forms of leadership are often via subterfuge rather than straight forward and out in the open.

I think that we all know what would happen if an alien ship or ships suddenly landed somewhere in a populated area for example here in the USA. It would trigger an immediate National Security knee-jerk reaction and possibly even localized martial law if the provocation was interpreted as sufficient. It would certainly partially draw out the hidden leadership into the open to an extent that no other event could. You can bet that special black opts and military units would be scrambled in the open for the sole initial purpose of isolating the craft and its occupants and preventing general population types like you and I from being able to communicate or interact with the occupants. Some of this would be for good precautionary safety concerns but some would also be for not so pure ulterior motives as well.

You can bet that our publicly acknowledged political leaders would be too stunned to be initially effective in such an out of the normal scenario except to possibly spout some empty initial reassuring words via the media designed by someone else for them to say to placate our concerns. Those behind the scenes who perceive themselves as our real leaders would soon be relatively more visible and not rest until they were satisfied that they had done everything they could to "control" the situation. By their definition of "control," if one cannot control the aliens daring to land in plain sight of so many clearly demonstrating higher technology than our own, then one does the next best thing and that means controlling our own population. That of course means controlling you and I and trying to control our inquisitive need to know, all for our own good. That would mostly be accomplished by controlling the flow of information and/or lack of it to us through the media.

We look at the TV and read the newspapers and magazines and, when we have consumed that available traditional mainstream information, we then think that we know something about what is really going on. But, do we really? For example, we've all been flooded with media information following the 9/11 tragedy and most of us think that we have a fair idea from that as to what happened. However, did many of you know that there is what appears to be hard visual evidence that the Pentagon was not hit by an airplane as officially reported but by something a great deal smaller than that with all its implications? To learn more about this kind of hard evidence go to for a real eye opener.

You'll also learn there more information about the airplanes that did impact the World Trade Towers as well as some eye opening evidence about the Oklahoma City Bombing. Be warned that much of this information is evidence driven and therefore more difficult to dismiss rather than opinion or claim driven that is so much easier to dismiss. So, just in case this information represents some truth, think twice and don't go there if you think you can't handle it and especially its implications.

My purpose here is not to focus on a enormous sensitive tragedy like 9/11 but rather to demonstrate that actual truth filtering down into the general population on such major events may be a rare commodity in this age where leadership and power is exercised from behind the scenes via subterfuge and misinformation with the willing cooperation of the mainstream media information gateways. When and if one can digest some of this stomach turning not normally for public consumption information, it is easy to become angry at the ruthlessness and manipulative dishonesty of those in the hidden leadership.

But what is less obvious is that this sort of thing survives on our apathy in this regard and that amounts to mainstream population blessing of highly questionable actions and events that go unchecked. Of course, we don't personally approve of bad things being done but at the same time we are sometimes overwhelmed with the complexity of what is set before us that is so out of context with our everyday lives. So, often as a population we tend to indulge in the cleansing simplicity of emotional anger directed at someone else, sometimes even folded in the cloak of patriotism, to mask our own predilection for avoiding dealing with the real issue at all.

So, the apathetic lack of corrective action amounts to the blessing and we become part of the problem. At least that is how the hidden leadership interprets it. For example, most who view the 9/11 Pentagon evidence at the above link, no matter how tellingly clear and in your face it might be, will not for a moment believe it and will even become angry that the issue was even raised at all and intruding unwanted into consciousness. Why? Simply because of a human emotional reaction of revulsion. The implications just can't be true! They must not be true!

The point is that, even though not necessarily applicable on a individual to individual bases, never the less this is sometimes part of who we are as a collective human population in relation to some large complex and unpleasant issues. Worse, we have this hidden level of manipulative leadership behind the scenes that understands and capitalizes on our idiosyncrasies in this regard. They operate keeping themselves hidden and manipulating through subterfuge and misinformation that can at times revert to outright ruthless psychotic behavior geared to achieving their perceived agendas. Such people often are corrupted and come to regard you and I out here as merely providers enabling support of their welfare rather than any of our own.

So we come back to the question, who among us are any aliens expected to make contact with? Certainly it is not their job to come down here and solve our internal problems for us. Cleaning up our own house is of course our duty and responsibility, certainly not someone else's.

If they did contact our hidden leadership direct, the historical duplicity so consistently demonstrated by these types in dealing with our own Earth populations would almost certainly assert itself in dealing with aliens and you can bet you and I would of course be indefinitely left out of the need to know or participate loop. If such a scenario played itself out, by definition how is that contacting this world and its populations? It isn't and any aliens dumb enough to participate in this scenario would be just as wrong.

What about a scenario where they contacted any one or even several of our acknowledged leadership areas? These people are normally already under the hidden leadership influence and control and they would no doubt attempt to manipulate the situation by working through their control of these people. However, if the hidden leadership did not feel that they could continue to adequately control these people and the situation through them, you can bet that would be perceived as a threat to the hidden leadership's traditional control addiction and a clamp on any contacted parties would immediately ensue.

What about a scenario where they attempted direct contact with the general population? Too many of us in the general population are not under hidden leadership sufficient control except via media information flow and that would not be effective at normal levels with direct contract. You can bet that this would no doubt be interpreted as a major potential threat to the hidden leadership control of us and we would all be manipulated into scenarios via massive emergency misinformation flow where the perceived need for hostile positioning relative to alien contact would essentially be approved by us and go into effect.

What about a scenario where only independent individuals are contacted? Who is going to believe a few lone individuals? The same mainstream population that can't face and deal with 9/11 truths and issues? Further, how can large populations adequately judge the truthfulness of individuals, especially considering how many crackpots are already out here? Also, individuals would be vulnerable to the intentional use of coercive pressure/force used against them because they do not have the backing of the disbelieving mainstream population to help shield them from it as well as intentional over done crackpot labeling to muddy the water.

So you see, if aliens exist and understand our Earth human population psychology in this regard, it may be literally irresponsible of them to come down and set off such self destructive scenarios among Earth populations as we struggle against reality in order to remain ignorant and the hidden leadership struggles against reality in order to keep us ignorant. The bottom line is that we can be and are held hostage by our own idiosyncratic behavior. It makes us predictably unpredictable and dangerous, not only to others but especially to ourselves.

I'm reminded of Tom Cruise's military lawyer character in the movie "A Few Good Men" demanding an answer from Jack Nickelson's tough commander character and him shouting in response YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH! Is that what we are all about in this time and place in our history? Are there none collectively among us that can handle the truth now? Have we trapped ourselves in a box of our own making?

Are we giving intelligent life other than ourselves, should they exist, the only nondestructive option in dealing with us of waiting and waiting and waiting endlessly generation after generation for enough of us to grow up enough to handle some more complex truths? Are we shackling our own selves unconsciously trying to prevent a surge ahead into our wider and more complex destiny? Is fear of that and ignorance the legacy we leave to subsequent generations in this regard?

Yes, the question of why aliens do not contact us is legitimate but I suspect the asking of it with our tendency to want to avoid responsibility and pass the buck to others for the answer is not really dealing with the issue at all. In other words, the answer lies within us and our demonstrated behavior, not with someone else like aliens. If we want to be treated responsibly as maturing adults, then we need to face ourselves and demonstrate that we can react and act responsibly in response to greater and more complex realities.

The good news is that, while we have no control over alien reactions and actions, we do have choices over our own. It is within our power and choice to effect our own future. If we can mature and allow ourselves to be open to interaction with cultures other than our own and become more directly involved in our own destiny rather than trying to abdicate responsibility to others like the hidden leadership, then we'll benefit from the more open broadmindedness whether alien contact is in our near future or not.


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