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As it May Relate to Planetary Evidence

Commentary #007

April 20, 2005


At first take this may seem a bit of a strange subject matter bag to be found here with this mostly technical and controversial anomalous evidence record based on space science and planetary exploration. Even so, although it may not be everyone's cup of tea, I see a relationship that may need to be explored and so here goes.

We come into this world already prepared to some extent with some survival mechanisms embedded in our selves. This is sometimes referred to as instinct. Mostly this is a collection of emotional reactionary processes that are often carried on into adulthood, all the way to the end of our lives, and across subsequent following generations. For example, the basic fear emotional reaction generates an automatic defensive posture in we humans that can also instantly translate into action without the benefit of reasoning processes. Sometimes this can be good under some circumstances and sometimes not so good under others.

For example, if a fictional out of control steamroller comes loudly crashing down the street in our direction, some might be overloaded with the flooding fear reaction and be frozen unable to act but most would simply flee from the object's path of destruction and only later consider that they didn't even think (reason) about it, they just acted. Another example is that absolutely great zoo visitor who uncharacteristically jumped over the zoo's visitor railing into the Chimp compound's water below to ultimately save a Chimp who fell into the water and was drowning is a similar example. As if often typical, only later did he admit that he did this without really thinking about potential consequences. Still, it was a good encouraging outcome for the Chimp, the man, and society.

On the other hand, if one is walking through some thick woods and comes upon a Bear before realizing it is there so close, the flooding fear, especially if the Bear is adopting an aggressive posture, may generate the flee reaction before one has a chance to think about it. A healthy Bear is a much faster runner and over longer distances than a healthy human, so attempting to flee can trigger aggressive prey reactions in a Bear already considering aggression as a defensive measure. Not a good thing at all! The flee reaction would normally be a poorer choice in such a scenario.

However, to explore this concept further, let me tell you a true story. When I was a youth, hunting was a part of life where I grew up before I learned to know better. This young man five or six years older than I, we'll call him Bill, was a close friend of my father, who had sort of fatherly taken the young man under his wing. My father took him along when he and some other men were out hunting deer in the timber company very thick woods.

Bill was mostly a inexperienced city boy unprepared for this kind of hunting and was walking alone and fairly silently on the soft and silent plowed ground in a narrow fire break lane winding around through the pine trees. This was actually a pair of dual plowed parallel fire lanes separated by a narrow ridge of unplowed ground with dense tall bushes on it so that one could not really see from one fire lane to the other. A half a dozen other men in the group were also scattered out nearby easing through the thick woods, each proceeding forward alone out of sight of each other. Bill, as the green young man in the crew, had been given the ease of the preferential fire lane to walk in so that he would not stray and get lost.

As they were going through a particularly thick section of the woods that severely reduced visibility, Bill came to a well worn woods animal trail that crossed both fire lanes creating a gap in the center ridge bushes. Not thinking about what might have created that worn gap, he decided to step over from his fire lane to the other one through this gap to see if he could get some better visibility out over the woods. Of course, he did this without really thinking and as chance would have it he stepped right up beside this sow Bear with cubs that had been coming down the worn animal trail. Now anyone familiar with the woods and wildlife will know that this is a very bad thing to be suddenly that close without warning to a full grown adult female Bear and her with cubs. However, Bill's instant knee jerk reaction was to pitifully scream his lungs out on and on, throw down his gun, and haul it in extremely high gear in a straight line in the opposite direction regardless of the heavy woods terrain facing him.

The stunned Bear was stunned and so shocked by his extreme pitiful now retreating screaming that she turned around and took off in high gear in the other direction with her cubs. Unfortunately, Bill had no time for noticing this fact as he was busy crashing and battering through the thick bushes and small trees and screaming. The other men in the group, all tough experienced hunters but isolated in their nearby positions and unable to see each other, were terrified themselves thinking that something was gutting and murdering Bill nearby and obviously they may be in peril to from something unseen.

Meanwhile, quickly growing exhausted screaming and battering through the thick woods and thinking the Bear was right behind him about to chomp him in the posterior, Bill came upon a young pine tree and desperately almost ran up it still relentlessly out of control screaming now mind you. In fact, not being able to be rational from within this flooding and overwhelming sea of emotion and unable to stop himself, he climbed so high in this young flexible tree that the top bent over and there he was found with a death grip on the tree by the others battered and hanging upside down about a foot off of the ground still relentlessly screaming, although now very hoarsely. The relief at seeing that Bill was actually all right and that they were also not in peril themselves and the comedy of seeing him beat up but "safe" in this upside down position just off the ground sent these men into fits of laughter release rolling around on the ground. The poor guy never did live that down.

The point is that knee jerk emotional reactions alone can be good and bad or a combination of both. That time Bill's knee jerk survival reaction worked successfully avoiding real tragedy for himself as well as for the Bear and her cubs, but still at a cost. When you don't know any better, the knee jerk reaction may work but often at a price that some of us are not willing or inclined to pay. Obviously, if we possibly can, we need to introduce an element of reason thinking ability into the knee jerk emotional reaction scenarios we may find ourselves in to modify and bring about a more harmonious result minimizing prices we may have to pay so that we can all go home later and equally laugh about our close call and not have to try and live down any lack of reasoning or comedy associated with such events.

Emotions and feelings are good and necessary parts of ourselves but on some occasions they very definitely need to be tempered by some objective reasoning ability as well. For example, falling in love with someone is obviously an emotion and so important in life. Yet, seriously considering a commitment of spending a life with the person one comes to love will also need to be balanced by some decent reasoning. Blindly ignoring negative factors like the person is immature, a drunk, an addict, lazy, abusive, very high maintenance, a BS artist, etc. will almost certainly not lead ultimately to a harmonious result years down the road and multiple children later. Acting responsibly for oneself as well as for one's future offspring by balancing emotion and reason is very important in the early stage considerations.

There are similar mental processes at work when it comes to considering planetary imaging evidence and especially when it comes to considering its implications. For example, such evidence that only points to natural nature considerations like geological, atmospheric and weather factors on another distant world are generally perceived as reasonably familiar knowns and therefore generally regarded as non threatening in their potential. Even if nature extremes are present, it is after all on another distant world and of no real concern factor for us and our personal lives here on Earth. Likewise, even if there were evidence of past long dead civilizations on another world, the key word is "past" and "dead" again representing no, or at least less potential, for threat. Such information input can of course be more readily regarded as "safe."

On the other hand, often a problem starts presenting itself in the human psyche if planetary evidence via its implications starts bringing into more serious consideration the potential to actually impact our everyday personal lives. That potential alone is often perceived and regarded, even if vaguely, as threatening. It of course depends on the individual psychology but the bottom line is that information with such a stronger personal potential tends to trigger a knee jerk automatic emotional defensive reaction in many mainstream populations that is often not much tempered by reasoning.

Consider the e-mail in the tan text below received from a very honest, thoughtful, articulate and courageous viewer whose identify shall remain private. I am considerably impressed this person's straight forward honesty. Make no mistake about it, such well articulated honesty derives from strength, not weakness.

Thanks for your response. It sounds like you haven't had an easy time of making these things public, and I appreciate your efforts and bravery in going forward. I find it most valuable and I'm sure your many website visitors do as well.

The truth about me is that I am open minded, willing to seek real, plausible-seeming information on this topic because I think it's important, and I am also scared to death of what it represents. Honestly, part of the compulsion to continue seeking is the thrill of the fright, made even more terrible by the mounting evidence of its reality. And while I say the fear is part of the fascination, there are times I can't sleep and feel tortured by the idea that whatever the intelligent life forms out there want to do to you, me, or any other one of us, they can do, and may already be doing. I'm frustrated by the arrogance, lack of accountability, and lack of disclosure from the government my tax dollars go to support, and really worried that they'll come clean, and our world will be turned upside down by what we're told. The unknown implications are staggering, and I'm hoping that I won't have to live through it, and that my children, their children, or their children won't either. It may be mainstream reaction, but I think it's natural, if you take it all seriously, to recoil.

I'm definitely a mixed bag of emotions on all this. Sometimes I force myself to stop searching and reading to clear it from my mind and get some rest. That usually doesn't last long. I'm always drawn back in.

Thanks again and much luck–

You secrecy people out there reading this need to take note of ALL this person's well described observations, not just that portion that you wish to use to justify your secrecy actions and the continued support of public ignorance. This person is putting words to describing their fear of the unknown, not something known, and this person's words speak for many of us out here. It is our ignorance and the lack of knowledge that is the problem here as well as your continued support of maintaining that state. The lack of accurate information and knowledge fuels the fear of the unknown because without accurate truthful disclosure information we can't come to grips with it. We fear what we cannot adequately fathom! It is a schism between you and ourselves that your secrecy generates in populations and what you have come to be all about, not enlightenment. It is not the right path to be on.

Meanwhile, the emphasis on emotional defensive reaction is very hard for those placing more emphasis on logic and reasoning to understand and sympathize with just as it is likewise very difficult for those who place more emphasis on emotions to understand why the person on the other side doesn't "feel" the same way they do. Let's face it, the term "thinking" is most often very loosely used and really encompasses both emotional and/or reasoning in most people's minds. However, emotional reactionary processes and logical reasoning processes, although intertwined, but distinctly different and the degree to which they are present in an individual in absolute terms or at any one point in time can vary widely.

Often when a person is trying to express themselves and their "feelings" to another person and seek validation of those feelings at a time the other party is more reasoning oriented, a lack of adequate communication occurs because feelings aren't recognized and coming across. Likewise, when a person is throwing facts and figures and logic and reason based factors at another party trying to convince them of something in that manner when the other party is at that moment in a emotion and feeling oriented state, it is just received as meaningless and perhaps even irritating noise. In other words, if reasonable communication is to occur, when in Rome, recognize where you are and that there may be a need to speak Italian, not English.

Leaders all throughout history have understood these concepts and their role in populations. Leaders have very often shown a proclivity to keep their populations ignorant on important pertinent information that would have been valuable in accurate assessment of situations. Leaders often capitalized on that lack of fore warning knowledge by appealing to the population's reactive emotions mired in ignorance to accomplish their own purposes, often at the populations expense rather than their own. The secrecy agenda also understands this principle well and practices it on populations by feeding carefully controlled information into the population that they know will be perceived as "safe" by them and at the same time keep them generally ignorant of the more important and pertinent information including the insight it provides. That way the population's manipulated awareness level remains low and much that might be considered questionable then escapes detection under their perception radar.

Some are individuals who actively seek knowledge beyond the accepted and approved mainstream "safe" knowledge base for the sake of acquiring the knowledge itself. Such people often have at some point in their lives mastered the early stage fear based knee jerk emotional reactions in themselves, even if this is not really all that clear to them. On the other hand, some others seek such knowledge merely to use it as a tool to give themselves an advantage in social settings and it is this social goal that is their main thing and not the knowledge itself. The former are often eager for real truthful knowledge for its own sake regardless of its implications while the later are often quickly put off when the knowledge begins to look a little too real and they soon turn away from it.

When the perception of Mars, or the close by Moon for that matter, is portrayed at official level by our acknowledged leaders as distant dead worlds essentially devoid of life or civilizations and containing only mildly interesting geology, weather, etc., this is regarded by many of us as "safe" non threatening information and readily accepted by the great bulk of our Earth populations. However, if the information begins to move toward life and civilizations other than our own, there is initial interest but this soon begins to turn to this knee jerk defensive emotional reaction and such information is met with incredulity and resistance. It has been this way all through human history where potentially life changing information, no matter how true, is often resisted.

A fine example of this was often presented by a famous brilliant scientist well known and regarded by the mainstream and the darling of the mainstream media who would dispose of and discredit anomalous information input into our lives by saying that extraordinary claims must be backed up by extraordinary evidence. What few seemed to take notice of was that this famous and brilliant man would not examine any of the extraordinary evidence and yet he stayed busy debunking the very same evidence that he knew little or nothing about because he never legitimately examined it. Sadly, although he had clearly corrupted himself with regard to his own scientific principles of objectivity, he was telling the mainstream what they really wanted to hear and, worse, the mainstream accepted this and revered this man because he soothed some of our fears and anxieties by making information "safe."

As a whole people, we cannot successfully meet the future basing our strategies on self delusion and pretense. To try and do so is asking for and almost guaranteeing a bad result. Also, unrealistic expectations based on pretense will only lead to negative results that will in turn lead to negative emotional reactions. What is needed is a balance of accurate truthful information pushing back ignorance and the natural emotional fears of the unknown. The presence of truthful information, even if it carries with it uncomfortable complexities, will introduce and encourage the use of reason blending into and balancing the natural emotional context.

We out here in the public have a responsibility to seek out and demand truth in our planetary exploration efforts with the expectation that those who are suppose to be serving our interest actually do so as we require and we need to be ready to exact prices from them if it is not voluntarily forthcoming. In other words, we out here in the populations need to actively seek accurate truthful knowledge and reject ignorance and pretense. Our acknowledged political, science, academic, business, and media leadership have the responsibility to respond to the population's will in this regard by investigating and seeing that we are supplied with accurate truthful information. Information that encourages balancing thought and reason, not dribbled out pacifying doses of make believe.

You out there in the secrecy agenda reading this message need to turn from this path you are currently on that appeals only to emotion and ignorance via manipulative secrecy and illusion. We have to all grow together here as a people or the very fabricate of our social world will be torn apart via more comfortable pretense trying to deny ultimate realities that may discomfort. If not, when reality prevails as it always eventually does and the secrecy does collapse, it will almost certainly be in a sudden out of control manner probably from within your own ranks. That risks plunging an unprepared world into chaotic emotional reactions not sufficiently balanced by reason.

You in the secrecy and leadership ranks need to take the lead and pre-empt this risk. Start by providing us with more truthful real planetary information! If balancing reason is to ever be present in the knee jerk emotional context, there must be something real for it to work with. It may scare some of us a little but then it will also encourage the use of reason to balance off the effects of emotional reaction alone. This is just one person's opinion and appeal but, according to my viewer feedback, I think it represents a great many others as well. Listen to us and this logic.


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