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Report #110

December 2, 2006

Forward to Part 4b

As you can see, the above first image appears to demonstrate evidence of some very lumpy knobby rough Earth terrain. What kind of geology does this remind you of? A field of collected and concentrated boulders maybe? See what even appears to be a dark forest intruding like a pointed peninsula in the upper right corner of the image. Note the light reflective quality of this lumpy texture evidence. What do you think?

Okay, I'm pulling your leg a bit and demonstrating how looks can be deceiving and especially when one is led to expect to see only certain things like geology. What do you think a scientist in planetary geology would see here if he was told that this above image came from Mars? I suspect that many of you viewing the above image for the first time are perhaps not fooled by this slight of hand of mine simply because of being at this particular website and more often than not anticipating seeing the unexpected. Unless you have some botany expertise, it is that context information accompanying evidence that gives you the caution about it.

The point is that scientists and academics researching the raw science data also have context information filtered to and warning them what they should expect to see. After all, they have scientific instrument data that tells them so. After all, instruments don't lie and we'll just ignore the fact that instruments data results are the easiest of all to intercept and manipulate. So they believe they KNOW that Mars is a hard frozen, super dry place with a primarily CO2 atmosphere many times over lethal to life as we know it and that life is of course impossible there. Being on the downward pecking order slope themselves, they're led like unquestioning cattle to these deeply entrenched conclusions by a equally deeply entrenched respect for and belief in those they acknowledge as their up slope leaders at the top of this space exploration field.

They in turn disseminate this considered unassailable gospel down into the unquestioning media and through that gateway further down slope to the great unwashed unquestioning masses where you and I are at. So, what it turns out to be is really no more than a manipulated belief system accepted by all as scientific fact and unassailable truth when it is far far from that.

The truth here is that the above first image scene is actually the below second Earth image evidence scene but with the color removed, the scene rotated by me 90º clockwise, zoomed in 230%, and cropped for a close view eliminating most of the available surrounding context information. No matter my briefly trying to demonstrate what it can be like to be led astray without really being lied to, the above evidence is of course actually microbial lichen/mold life and not even remotely inanimate geology.

Click here to access the above original image
Credit: W. P. Armstrong & Wayne's Word

When, as in the above second image with a wider field of view, its true color is retained and the surrounding context information is included, this Earth based evidence takes on increased meaning. Even so, note that it still has its limitations as to interpretation. Note that it is still a bit difficult for the average person to determine the scale or what the more prevalent light reflective gray color stuff is down there unless you know what to accurately anticipate or you are a botanist, imaging specialist, etc.

The first and second images are actually very small scale photography at the above link of some crustose rock lichen named Diploschisstes Actinostomus here on Earth. The above color image resides with other color example images of lichen growth and lengthy discussions of lichen growth at the above link that together provide plenty of context information allowing proper identification. Here at Wikipedia, you should explore the fact that LICHEN is an adaptive symbiotic and possibly parasitic relationship between fungi/mold and algae.

However consider that, if the above second image had been presented alone without that wider context information, many would still be at loss to determine what this stuff is, geology and/or life. On the other hand, if the photo had been larger or pulled back to a little more distant view showing the entire large rock this evidence exists on, then we would start getting some where fast with proper identification because of more familiar frames of reference, the rock's, inclusion quickly providing more information as to scale.

Such visual identification difficulties are the same with distant satellite imaging evidence on another world, especially when the imaging is of generally poor quality and tampered with, all to facilitate obfuscation and difficulty with identification. In other words, the goal of the tampering applications isn't as simple as just obscuring anomalous information within the image, it is also about obscuring perfectly normal looking evidence that might serve as a familiar frame of reference. If it did not do so, it would then be quickly more apparent via those frames of reference that the image and its true scale was purposely obscured.

In the science data images, the color of course isn't there causing one level of partial obfuscation. The direct tampering applications also target context information and what might qualify as more familiar frames of reference that would enable better determination of scale as well as of course obscuring the anomalous evidence directly, all providing different types and levels of obfuscation. These different levels of direct applications wind up providing varying visual textures in the image that tend to mimic terrain details even though entirely fake. The whole is polished off with various distancing and resolution destroying techniques that further degrade the image and conveniently prevent closer examination of evidence including that of the tampering techniques.

If all of this manipulation isn't enough, certain lichen types like the above resemble geology very strongly, some not shown here even more so and especially without accompanying context information and frames of reference. Further, a lot of the life forms on Mars are on what we here on Earth would consider a giantism size scale that is quite unfamiliar to Earth human eyes and identification. These latter factors are why some of this kind of life evidence is visually allowed through to us in the satellite imaging with the assumption that it will never be recognized for what it really is.

Why? First, scientist expecting to see only geology will see only that when it comes to this kind of evidence. Second, even if a few scientists were suspicious of the official characterizations of such evidence and were to actually speak out, the looking similar to geology factor would enable the secrecy agenda official position to bring consensus peer pressure to bear on these "rogue"and too far out there scientists pointing to how foolish and mistaken they are, which of course would be injurious to their careers. Finally, third, if that stratagem didn't work out in a really worst case scenario, the evidence looking similar to geology factor still provides the secrecy agenda with wiggle room to say that they were just fooled and of course it's understandable and forgiving as to why. Secrecy erodes a bit and they get a little black eye but leadership positions are still preserved.

Now the above third image is of course of evidence on Mars. Note that it does resemble geology except for the strange darker parallel ridge form evidence that is less familiar to our eye and normally just subjectively disposed of by labeling it "anomalous." That geological resemblance would be good enough for planetary geologists researching this Mars science data. After all, they are all about geology in expectations and of course not expecting to see biological life. Likewise biological life planetary scientists are more than likely not going to be wasting their time (from their point of view) intensely researching this science data because they all think they know that Mars is bone dry, super freezing cold, and has a deadly to life as we know it CO2 atmosphere by many times over.

In other words, so often we see only what we expect to see. Yet, no matter its at first glance resemblance to geology, the above Mars scene is not geology but life and a lot of it to. Just as the underlying geological rock is not visible in the first and second Earth based image evidence above having been covered over by forms of lichen and/or mold, the geology in the above Mars scene is also mostly covered over by biological life (that sort of resembles geology in appearance) and not visible.

In this Mars image, the more light reflective evidence is some form of life resembling the crustose rock lichen in the above first two Earth images. Note the previous Earth image evidence presented here for the presence of these separate colony clumps or nodes and the narrow dark space gaps between them.

Of course you will also want to note the more obvious darker light absorbing parallel "ridge form" that is developing in places on top of the lichen appearing life form. As some of you know who have followed my earlier work and others, this darker ridge form evidence is often mistakenly confused in other's reporting as "glass tubes" or "worms" etc. when such evidence is aligned in long narrow bands on terrain slopes. They are definitely not that but they do represent life of some kind and that life, as I've previously reported, is always associated with the current or past presence of shallow water conditions. Their presence here in this scene indicates that this site either currently experiences shallow water conditions or has at some point in the past.

I've included this particular Mars evidence scene in this reporting because of its borderline quality and the ease by which it can be misinterpreted. It gives insight in how planetary scientists can easily misinterpret this evidence as inanimate geology due to their expectations when it is in fact life. Again note the irregular but also organized broad light and dark narrow patterns of the Earth based evidence in the first two images. Despite the third image Mars based lichen like visual life evidence being in part obscured by the also present ridge form life evidence on top of it, the same organized patterns can still be discerned.

That is my point. Interpretation of this kind of evidence on Mars via this obfuscation fouled up imaging data as released to us requires an open and objective mind capable of receiving information without passing it through expectation filters that often tend to screen out too much truth and blind the receiver. In case you're inclined to suspect that the organized patterns under the ridge form evidence is just a freak optical illusion, the caption on the official science data image this evidence is sourced from states "Tiled Floor." This both acknowledges the existence of this organized pattern but also leads and warns that it has already been officially identified as being geology and not biological life should anyone privately entertain such ideas.

Okay, so much for the borderline more interpretable Mars evidence. Let's move on now to some evidence that is less interpretable and more visually conclusive even though still partially obscured.

Click here to access the left panel original image
Credit: Syliva & Stephen Sharnoff & Lichens Of North America

The above fourth image is a split screen offering just such a less interpretive comparison of Earth based lichen evidence on the left and what I have already long ago sample reported as lichen or mold Mars life on the right in early 2001 Report #021 sourced from the MGS MOC M08-04110 image strip. While one might understand how the average scientist researching the Mars satellite imaging science data might misinterpret the evidence in the above and previous third image, what is more difficult to understand is how the above fourth image Mars evidence can be so confused. To deny this kind of visual evidence that simply cannot be confused with geology and has such great visual similarity with each other just isn't objectively perceptive at all.

Now I have taken the color out of the Earth based evidence on the left and added back in a little color while I've added a little of the same color to the normally black and white Mars evidence on the right as well as made them of a similar size to facilitate better direct comparison. The left Earth based evidence is really small scale on rocks while the Mars evidence clumps on the right are very distant and really huge in size.

In fact, the Earth evidence on the left has been photographed from very close measured in feet or inches away and is of course sharply defined because being an Earth based image there was of course no reason to obfuscate it. In comparison, the Mars evidence on the right, according to the official statistics, was imaged from satellite a distance of 371.64 km or roughly 231 miles away and of course with the usual crappy resolution as released to the public resulting in the fuzzy less distinct image you see here.

No matter the fuzzy Mars evidence image quality, the idea is to take note of the basic patterns and shapes between these two evidence examples from different worlds. There isn't very much apparent visual difference between them now is there except that the Earth evidence is small scale on a rock and the gigantic size Mars evidence occupies a broad area across some very steep ridge tops. In other words, on Mars, we talking about super size lichen and/or mold growth life forms of apparent great visual similarity to what is so small here on Earth. That huge size scale is the primary reason that the obfuscation tactics are less successful on it and what has allowed this evidence to partially come through to us.

Note that, other than the light reflective surfaces of the lichen nodes themselves, there are also two other different types of dark color no doubt light absorbing evidence. One is dark spots. Such spots are typical of reproductive spore areas on top of each lichen clump or node, at least that is the way it is here on Earth, but apparently shared in common with the Mars evidence. These spots can widen into larger spore producing areas spewing spores up under pressure into winds and/or develop spore filled fruiting bodies very similar to plant blooms. The other is very dark very narrow ribbons or bands. These are typical of shadowed space gaps between colony nodes. The nodes tend to grow and press against each other jockeying for sun light space but more often than not do not merge together demonstrating that, even if cooperative, these are independent colony life forms packing together just like here on Earth.

What ever your take on my interpretation of this evidence, one thing is abundantly clear. This very clearly not geological evidence. If we could see the context information rock the Earth based evidence is on, that would be quickly crystal clear in the case of the Earth evidence. As for the Mars evidence, take the link to Report #021 and you'll see the true context information geological steep ridges that the lichen looking life evidence sits on providing clear insight into what is geology and what is living growth partially covering areas of the wider geological context.

The only reason that Mars evidence in the above fourth image's right panel and others like it cannot be objectively suspected as life evidence is because such objective visual evidence, no matter what it looks like right off the end of one's nose, is "believed" to be impossible. Yet that's nothing more than a very human subjective perception and a matter of psychology not supported by objective evidence at hand and not to be confused with scientific fact even if scientists are doing it. We all need to be cautious about the attachment of dismissal labels like "anomalous" to hard visual evidence. These are just subjective words that do not change evidence or actually dispose of it, except in the psychology of flawed human perception. That is pure pretense without bases in reality.

At some point in this Mars and Moon evidence, we are all going to have to stop filtering hard objective visual evidence like this out via very subjective belief systems under the pretense that belief systems are science. Belief systems are human psychological behavior having nothing to do with scientific fact. Evidence like this is what it is and worthy of further engagement and no amount of subjective pretense is going to change this simple fact. If some of our belief systems are ultimately casualties, then so be it because they aren't real and clearly weren't worthy of protection to start with. Nothing is worth blindness with ignorance as its only product.

Meanwhile, we're now going to have to move on to Part-4b of this report at the link below. I have to divide this up into smaller parts because the images of all of this type of evidence have very large file size slowing down their loading time. They're large because the graphics software is counting a great many individual objects down there in both the Earth and Mars based imaging.

Forward to Part 4b

DOCUMENTATION This link takes you to the color image from which my first and second Earth based crustose rock lichen evidence was drawn. This link takes you to the official S13-01176 science data image aka MOC2-1448 from which my above Mars third image evidence was drawn. Note that this is a MSSS prerelease presentation image that does not as yet appear in the main MSSS data base. This link takes you to the color image from which the Earth based lichen evidence in the left split screen of my fourth image was drawn. This link takes you to the official M08-04110 science data image from which my above Mars fourth image in the right split screen was drawn. The evidence site is in the mid area of the very long strip.


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