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Part 5 of 5

Report #088

July 11, 2005


This Part 5 portion of this multipart report is just here to give some few scattered examples of these objects in the terrain that have all officially been identified as sand dunes but may be something otherwise. These few examples are by no means comprehensive as that would take a great many images but have been chosen here mostly for their sometimes dramatic and sometimes subtle differences from each other and ease of access for me. You must decide what you think of them.

The above 17th R14-01899 image evidence is officially identified as barchan sand dunes. The dark streaks associated with them are officially described as dark streaks crisscrossing the dunes and the interdune terrain most likely formed by the disturbing of the fine upper layer sediment by passing dust devils. This link takes you to the official description.

My examination of this evidence indicates once again that the dark streaks associated with these objects are limited to the body of each object and that there are no dust devil trails in the surrounding terrain. Likewise these objects demonstrate the dark light absorbing semitransparent quality that normally reveals the presence of the dark streaks within the body of the form and this evidence shares nothing in common with any sand dunes that I am familiar with. Further, each object is like an island in the terrain with no evidence of loose particulate sediment accumulations in the surrounding terrain that might could have either contributed to their presence and/or been thrown off of the objects in any strong winds that are suppose to have sculpted them.

The above E01-01728 image demonstrates a great many individual objects that are officially identified as barchan sand dunes with some shaped like fortune cookies. That is found at

However, note how individual each of these objects is like an independent island with no evidence of sediment in the terrain around them. The wind blown sand dunes characterization just will not cut it with this evidence. Further, this evidence is very distantly seen and the objects are much larger than they appear here. Now both above and below the above imaged evidence site, there are large thick formations in this strip that may well be dense sediment accumulations. However, that doesn't change the fact that there is no loose particulate sediment accumulation in the wide area around and associated with the above evidence. I suspect that these objects are not sand dunes but that they are these dynamic shape changing objects trying to mimic sand dunes.

The above 20th R03-00074 image demonstrates a great many of these objects (most below the point of my image in the original strip) that are official identified as sand dunes. This is found at

But again note how sharply defined this dark evidence is in this terrain and how completely clean the terrain is of any evidence of dark particulate sediment sand. Also, the fact that there isn't the slightest sign of any wind erosion of these forms in the terrain. Again I suspect that the evidence here looks different simply because individual forms have joined together in chains probably again trying to mimic other local area true sediment formations.

The above 20th R19-01441 image demonstrates evidence of an elongated rounded form that are again officially identified as dark sand dunes. This is found at

Look like sand dunes to you? Actually they look a little like bug larva collecting on the edge of this old partially filled in crater. I doubt that they are anything like that but also just as seriously doubt that they are natural sand dunes of any kind either. I suspect that these objects represent something to do with life but the question is what?

In fact, I suspect that this kind of evidence is associated in some way with my previously reported super colossal evidence as per my Report #045 titled "The Real Tubes on Mars: Part I" and Report #046 titled "The Real Tubes on Mars: Part II." I suspect that some similarity of basic development process is involved and shared among these objects. Whether this may represent life and/or high technology and/or both is a legitimate question but not one that can be conclusively answered from this kind of limited visual evidence. Still something far beyond natural geological sand dunes is going on here with this type of evidence and resolving this mystery with any accuracy is going to require considerable objectivity and thinking outside of the box. Of that I am well satisfied.

All of the evidence in Parts 3 and 4 as well as the first image at the beginning of this Part 5 is located in the above Argyre region on Mars. The above chart with its arrows and text labels locates these evidence sites as well as a couple of other sites associated with different but still important previously reported evidence. Just thought you might be interested in seeing how this evidence is physically located in proximity to each other.


Most of this collection of limited visual evidence by itself isn't conclusive enough as is often the case with the planetary imaging. But, what it does do is bring focus on the need to not regard the official universal "dunes" explanation as accurate or adequate enough and the need to bring a greater degree of focus on objectivity and thinking outside the box when it comes to assessment of this type of evidence. If this basic message came across, I'll regard this limited reporting as a success.

DOCUMENTATION This link will take you to the official R14-01899 science data image strip to verify the evidence in my above 17th image. This link will take you to the official E01-01728 science data image strip to verify the evidence in my above 18th image. This link will take you to the official R03-00074 science data image strip to verify the evidence in my above 19th image. This link will take you to the official R19-01441 science data image strip to verify the evidence in my above 20th image.

, Investigator