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Report #085

March 27, 2005


The above seventh image drawn from a different nearby M11-03966 narrow-angle strip with some slight color put on it by me for improved definition and contrast is where the real definitive biological life evidence comes into play here in this report. Why? Because, contrary to the previous image strips, this one has not been inverted at official level and yet you will note that it demonstrates the same biological life evidence IN THIS OFFICIAL VIEW that my Part 1 M09-00068 and Part 2 M11-03016 inversion of the image evidence revealed.

Just in case there is still some confusion, the above ninth image with no color put on it by me is the exact same scene in the above 8th M11-03966 official image but now inverted by me. As you can see, when the over light color saturation of color that tends to wash out things is dismissed, it is clear that the inversion process de-emphasized the biological life individual rounded object evidence into dark shadow and accentuated the originally dark and now light color narrow interspaces between the objects creating this tangle of lines look.

I've included this image to demonstrate conclusively how this bit of slight of hand is done. In this particular M11-03966 image, the inversion tampering process was not done offering us a real if lone look at something real in the terrain. However, if this type of scene had been backed up by many different strips of the same area on this peninsula showing the same evidence, a clear pattern of same kind of evidence would have been too evident to be ignored. So, to avoid this and break up this more easily recognized pattern, image tampering is the name of the game substituting meaningless jumble.

In this particular type of densely packed evidence with narrow spaces separating objects, the inversion process masks the evidence diverting its perception via misdirection into the tangle of lines visual illusion and something not real. If pressed on only this type of obfuscation example, they could always claim it was just a simple mistake or glitch in the software that inverted the evidence. However, the intent to intentionally obscure is very clear as evidenced by the different methods of obfuscation of this evidence on this peninsula. The fact is that this particular rough surfaced biological life terrain is obscured via other more normal tampering tactics as well. For an example, take a look at this strip M07-05948. There this type of terrain in the same area of the peninsula is covered over and hidden under a map type smudge image tampering covering across the whole strip. Additionally, note that the whole peninsula itself in the context wide-angle imaging is hidden by a thorough coating of featureless smudge image tampering.

As I have said so many times, there can be little adequately understood about Mars and its surface reality in the official science data imaging regardless of its source without first understanding the presence of the official level image tampering and its many forms and considering its potential impact. When something one is seeing at face value looks strange and unreal, there is a reason for it. When one looks at strip full of generally smooth terrain and yet the image file size is far out of proportion with what one is seeing indicating that the software is seeing something quite different, there is a reason for it. So often the tampering is too complete and wins but sometimes it can be either partially defeated or figured out and circumvented as is the case here with this evidence.

Meanwhile, the above ninth image provides a closer zoom view and brings us back to the densely packed riot of super thick biological life evidence. It may visually resemble a field of stones or a pile of granules as seen under magnification but these objects are distantly seen via satellite imaging from over 200 miles away and very large. This is a forest but not one of trees in the traditional terms we think in. Note that each object down there, although irregular in shape, is well defined with a rounded top surface. Further, no matter how thickly packed so close together they are competing for growing space, each object has a well defined outer perimeter edge and a narrow space in dark shadow separating it from its neighbor.

It is these two well defined characteristics that made the inverting tampering tactic so effective on this particular type of life evidence. In the inversion, the light color rounded elevated top surface is inverted downward into dark shadow visually minimizing it and the narrow dark shadow spaces are turned light color and accentuated creating the tangle of lines look. I am well satisfied that we are looking at abundant life evidence on Mars here and the now revealed attempts at official level to obfuscate this kind of evidence on this peninsula logically further reinforces that conclusion.

I suspect that each object down there is sort of like a cross between a thick bunch of mushrooms in an open air environment and soft coral/polyps in underwater conditions with a collective colony identity that keeps it separate from its neighbor as opposed to blending in with it in earlier developmental stages. I suspect that this was originally an aquatic soft coral/polyp species that has adapted and/or has been adapted to survival in both dry open air and underwater conditions.

As you can see in the above tenth view from the M11-03966's companion M11-03967 context wide-angle image, this Part 3 evidence site is right on the borderline between the increasing flood water darker non-reflective area on the left and lighter color more reflective still dry terrain on the right. Although this biological life's top surface is too thick and densely packed to see through to any true terrain below its cover, I suspect that the underside of the objects is sitting in gradually increasing water levels that is stimulating increased growth.

As is typical of life like this, some individual forms/objects respond to this January seasonal increasing water levels stimulus better than others and grow more rapidly resulting in increasingly different size forms as seen in this January M11-03966 strip which begins to disrupt the smaller regularity and uniformity more in evidence in the earlier in the season November M09-00068 and October M08-07281 evidence strips presented in Part 1 of this report. In another month or two, I suspect this evidence site will also be submerged as the increasing water levels flood up the peninsula to the Anomalous Ring site. This dynamic state of change so characteristic of life activity spanning seasons and its recognition is also another target of the image tampering.

As this kind of anomalous evidence mounts, it is ironic that the picture officially promoted of Mars here on Earth is of a dead dry world full of nothing but dust devils and of little but just enough scientific or academic interest to attract public money for its essentially covert exploration. Yet that is the exact opposite of what this growing evidence record is revealing in bits and pieces working around the plentiful official level obfuscation and secrecy. In this and previous evidence, we see biological life interacting with and no doubt dependent on plentiful changing surface water conditions. Likewise it is so with the Anomalous Ring civilization evidence as previously reported. In other words, at least in this area on Mars, the emphasis is on surface level aquatic life conditions on a planet that is suppose to be devoid of such considerations.

There is a saying that the bigger the lie and the more difficult it is to grasp by the average person, the easier it is to sell to them. Have we allowed this to happen to us? The official leadership continues to ignore this evidence as though it doesn't exist and even though it is sourced right from their own official science data and verifiably present in same. Why the pretense, fear and avoidance?

One thing is for sure, continued ignorance is no viable solution. If we want truth to push back ignorance, we going to have to wake up out of our lethargy, disengage from the bland nice safe pabulum we've been fed, and demand it.

DOCUMENTATION: (for Part 3) This link takes you to both the official science data M11-03966 narrow-angle and M11-03967 context wide-angle image strips that supplied the main biological life evidence here in Part 3 of this Report #085. In the case of the narrow-angle image evidence, I used the third listed slower loading but higher detail .GIF image and sourced my image from the bottom section of it but flipped over 90º clockwise horizontal to maximize the amount of terrain covered. This link takes you to both the official science data M07-05948 narrow-angle and M07-05949 context wide-angle image strips. This evidence of smudge image tampering covering the entire strip and its terrain surface was not imaged in this report but it was mentioned, a link to it was supplied, and the wide-angle context image does show its close proximity to the other evidence that was imaged.

, Investigator


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