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Report #030

November 8, 2001


This is a report on a type of dome civilization evidence subject matter that I have been holding back because the evidence is on a type of dome that I thought the general viewer might have trouble identifying. However, this particular dome in the first image presented here is a bit more obvious with it being a bit more conventional looking than others of its kind. So I thought a higher percentage of viewers might be able to identify this one dome for what it is and translate that gained knowledge to viewing the less obvious ones that follow here. The semi-translucent quality, the raised and rounded end dimensions on the right, the sunlight reflection off of the hard smooth surface, and the interior vaguely seen objects demonstrating that it is hollow and does have a interior all combine to make this particular dome stand out relative to its peers.

However, the dome structures in the second image above and third image that follows here are much more typical of this dome material and how it covers in a very low profile and that is why I thought too many might not be able to identify this for what it is. This type of dome covering material is usually adapted to the natural terrain irregularities it finds itself in and conforms to those terrain irregularities in a low arch sprawling and spreading way. Typically this dome material is stretched over shallow depressions in the terrain just as you see here in the second and third images. Often its installation starts out very small covering only a small area or it may cover a portion of a river or steam bed or narrow drain systems in a shallow arc across from one bank to the other. It then is added onto and progressively grows by simply following the course of these natural drain systems where ever they go.

Here in these images it is stretched out in lines following long shallow trough depressions that may still harbor some water. These locations are actually protected in the bottom of shallow valley systems between long parallel runs of relatively low worn round top ridges that can be seen better in the fourth and final image here of the whole image strip. These valleys are themselves part of many old large water drain systems or tributaries that eventually join and combine into a even larger deeper cut river system that long ago drained in turn into a wide catch system that may have been a large lake or inland sea. This catch system appears to me to still be holding some water but this evidence is at the limit of resolution and is not very clear. Therefore I can't be certain about this but, if is is true, then these many upper drain systems such as where these low profile domes are located may very well still have a little water in them.

This particular evidence here does not alone represent extensive population (no telling what may be unseen nearby?) but I have seen a very similar dome material in broad expanses literally carpeting wide terrain in a low sprawling and spreading covering almost like it was some kind of live fungus growth or a ground spider web. Where this dome type in this report is clean, light colored, and sort of shiny looking with an occasional humped up and rounded dome portion as in image #1 here, the other dome evidence is dark, foggy, opaque looking and more flattened and spreading. It reminds me of mold growing and spreading and doesn't really look like dome material at all.

When wide spreading, this is usually a result of heavy population growth pressures as the complex spreads out away from the original water protected location. When I first saw the dark foggy wide spreading material as opposed to the type reported on here, I was suspicious that it was some form of image tampering as it very much resembles certain forms of that I've seen in the MOC imaging or perhaps some kind of spreading fungus growth. However, I then came across warfare evidence on Mars involving who ever builds these dark mold like spreading structures and the fact that they are made out of some kind of very tough and resistive resinous material becomes readily apparent in that evidence. It may be that the sprawling out in wide spread areas is also a decentralization defensive tactic making a serious crippling blow very difficult to make on such a target.

Truthfully, I have no idea whether the low profile lighter colored domes evidence here represents the same population as the dark flattened more spreading dome builders, I'm just pointing out that there are some similarities, at least in construction techniques. Just be patient, you'll see what I'm talking about when I release my other discoveries on warfare evidence.

The above fourth image is the whole original image strip reduced down in size to about 27%. Here you can see that these runs of dome structure are inside protective valley systems between parallel old low round top ridges. I included this because this was certainly not readily apparent in the first three close up images here and I wanted to give you some visuals on what I was talking about.

I have brought this strip and its often not too easy to identify evidence to your attention for a number of reasons. First, the dome in the top of this image strip is a bit easier to identify than others of this type and different adaptations are in the same image strip making it convenient to use. Second, I want to begin to introduce you to this new and different type of dome and civilization evidence because there are other variations of this type of evidence that have similarities but also some differences and you will be seeing more of these variations from me. Third, this evidence continues to remind us that the populations on Mars may very well not be homogenous like here on Earth where we are all humans (except for my detractors he! he!) and the sometimes strong differences between construction styles and sizes suggests multiple species. Fourth, I want to begin to expose you to this very low profile sprawling, spreading, creeping type of dome civilization evidence so that you can have it on your mind for awhile and digest it some before I begin to put out the other similar low profile spreading dome evidence.

Even if you can't see even the easier to identify dome in the first image here, don't worry as this will all work itself out for you as time goes by and more evidence along these lines is presented. With better familiarity will come better understanding. Meanwhile, just be generally aware that protective coverings over population centers on Mars are not all the stereotypical round high arch dome style we are familiar with here on Earth.

DOCUMENTATION This evidence is drawn from NASA/JPL/MSSS's official MOC M19-00070 original strip. I extracted my data from the second listed, best quality, slower loading, gif image strip but all the other jpeg, gif, map-projected, and not map-projected strips work and have the correct orientation. For those checking behind me, the first listed, medium quality, map-projected jpeg strip is faster loading, more convenient, will do just fine, and these anomalies can be seen with only a browser and no need for special graphics software. I have accessed this data only at the originator's (MSSS) web site and can not comment on its availability elsewhere such as PDS or USGS.

, Investigator


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